- — Zara to you[1]
Zara Vyas, a character in the Slow Burn series, is the showrunner of the "Everett/Yvette Flynt: Taste of the World" restaurant makeover show. She is first seen in Chapter 1.
Zara has brown eyes, short brown hair which she wears in a bob, and tan skin. She wears a powder blue pantsuit and silver necklace.
She is shown to care more about drama and ratings for the show over the success of the restaurants you are helping.
Slow Burn
Slow Burn
- Chapter 1: On Fire
- Chapter 2: Southern Hospitality
- Chapter 3: Served with Love
- Chapter 4: Sugar & Spice
- Chapter 5: Culinary Arts
- Chapter 6: True Colors
- Chapter 7: Flash in the Pan
- Chapter 8: Boiling Over
- Chapter 9: Up in Smoke
- Chapter 10: The Back Burner
- Chapter 11: Chef's Special
- Chapter 12: Too Many Cooks
- Chapter 13: Have One on Me
- Chapter 14: Overcooked
- Chapter 15: Dinner and a Show
- Chapter 16: Piece de Resistance
Everett/Yvette Flynt
Everett/Yvette Flynt is the Head Chef and star of "Taste of the World".
Julia/Julian Navarro is the restaurateur consultant of "Taste of the World". She/he tells you that Zara is excellent at what she does, which is reeling in an audience.
Your Character
You first meet Zara when she and the rest of the cast and crew of "Taste of the World" films their pilot episode at the diner where you work. When Everett/Yvette fires the culinary producer and you step in, Zara is skeptical of your abilities. She tells you that if you want to impress her you have to clean up the mess that Everett/Yvette left in her/his wake and get her/him to calm down. Julia/Julian tells you that to win Zara over, you will need to persuade her that your ideas will get good ratings.
She tells you that she picked you as culinary producer because of your chemistry with Everett/Yvette, and from that, you know how to push his/her buttons. She tries to make you stir up drama with Everett/Yvette, and threatens to fire you if you don't comply.
In Chapter 16, when the network executive tells you and Everett/Yvette that they have decided to renew the show for a second season, it is your choice to keep Zara as the showrunner or to have the network look for a new showrunner. If you choose the former, it pleases the executive and saves them time from having to find a new leading producer.
Vivian Hernandez
Zara's assistant saw Vivian's home makeover vlogs and convinced Zara to hire her to be the show's Head Designer.
Other Looks
- Her character model resembles Pavarti Daly from the Desire & Decorum series.
- She is similar to Piper from the America's Most Eligible series, as both are demanding showrunners who care more about drama and ratings for their respective shows and dislike the main characters of their respective series because they think the main characters won't be good for the ratings.