Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Zane, a character in the Wolf Bride book, is Your Character's uncle. He is first seen in Chapter 1.


Zane has brown eyes, graying black hair with a full beard and mustache and tan skin. He wears a white and gray plaid button-down shirt over a black t-shirt and a blue jeans.


Zane has been in awe of werewolves for most of his life, and because of that, he feels inferior and insecure with himself. Although later he finds his voice and speaks out to the werewolves, he takes cues from you whether it be words of encouragement or caution to not provoke them.

Because he is wolf-kin but is forced to work for SEP since the company is the only employer in town, he feels both sides look down on him and do not trust him.


Wolf Bride

Wolf Bride

  • Chapter 1: Hunt's Peak
  • Chapter 2: The Bonding (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 3: Transformation (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 5: The Duel (Mentioned; Determinant)
  • Chapter 6: Full Moon Rising (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 7: Rage
  • Chapter 8: Foundling (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 9: Powder Keg
  • Chapter 10: Primal Magic
  • Chapter 12: The Tipping Point
  • Chapter 13: A True Wolf
  • Chapter 16: Purified


Your Character

Zane is your uncle, your mother's older brother. When you drive to Hunt's Peak to find out about your heritage, he is surprised that your mother let you visit. He tells you that your family has lived there since before the 1800s. He also mentions that when your mother met your father and told him that she was leaving to marry him, your father was lucky that he hadn't been killed. This surprises you, but Zane doesn't elaborate.

When you are abducted from the dive bar, Alpha Werewolf tells you that Zane will not be looking for you because he knows where you are. You eventually return to his home, and it is your choice whether to forgive Zane for hiding the truth about werewolves and wolf-kin from you or not; it is also your choice what kind of relationship you would like to have with him. If you forgive him, he will be happy and relieved. If you do not, he still cares about you and tells you that he will try to keep trying to build a relationship with you. He admits to you that he is a little jealous since the Pack accepted you but looks down upon him. He has always wished he had been born a full-blooded werewolf or be like you, a wolf-kin with a place in the Pack.

Alpha tells you that Zane has lost much in his life and spent a long time mourning his sister's departure. He thinks you might be a "second chance" in Zane's eyes. When you see him again, he tells you that he didn't explain the bonding or what was about to happen to you on your first night there because he was afraid he would scare you away. He hoped that once you arrived, you would feel the call in your blood and that it would work out for the best.

Bernard Sayre

Bernard Sayre is Zane's employer.



  • His character model resembles Demetrius from the Bloodbound series.
  • His surname is revealed in Chapter 8.
  • If you have a good relationship with him, he will help you escape in Chapter 16.