Yvette, a character in the Passport to Romance book, was Your Character's boss and the editor-in-chief of Voyage magazine. She is first seen in Chapter 1.
Yvette has mid-length dirty blonde hair, tanned skin and blue eyes. She also wears a red dress with a gold necklace.
From what is seen of Yvette, she is shown to be quite fair. She is demanding but not overwhelming and expects Your Character to deliver to her standards, however, when Your Character is late for his/her meeting at The Louvre, she is quite annoyed as it was a chance to get some good footage for the blog. But when Your Character and friends have dinner, she overtly and covertly suggests that the group is good for the blog as it will make the company more money; suggesting that Yvette is more calculated and cold than first perceived. Overall, Yvette is fair, punctual, and assertive but not rude.
Passport to Romance
Passport to Romance
- Chapter 1: Landing The Dream
- Chapter 2: Midnight Magic (Off-Screen)
- Chapter 3: Mona Lisa Mayhem
- Chapter 4: Valor at Versailles (Mentioned)
- Chapter 5: We’ll Always Have Paris
- Chapter 6: Traveling in Style (Off-Screen)
- Chapter 7: In Lucerne Limbo (Off-Screen)
- Chapter 8: Brothers in Anger (Off-Screen)
- Chapter 10: Squad Goals (Off-Screen)
- Chapter 11: Airport Antics (Off-Screen)
- Chapter 12: Regatta Rules
- Chapter 13: Ante Up
- Chapter 14: Ever Onward
- Chapter 15: Destinations and Departures (Off-Screen)
Your Character
She is your boss and the one who sends you to travel through Europe. After a conversation with Carlisle, she decides to kick everyone of your friends off the blog at the end of Chapter 13. She tells you that you will be going to Ibiza alone.
At the end of Chapter 13, Yvette decides to kick her off the blog.
At the end of Chapter 13, Yvette decides to kick her off the blog.
At the end of Chapter 13, Yvette decides to kick him off the blog.
Elliot Langdon
At the end of Chapter 13, Yvette decides to kick him off the blog.
Other Looks
- She is the editor-in-chief of Voyage magazine.
- She shares the same name as Yvette from the America's Most Eligible series, Yvette Flynt from Slow Burn and Yvette King from Dirty Little Secrets.
- The name Yvette is of French origin and means "yew tree". It's the female version of the name Yves and derived from the German name Ivo.
- The surname Mercer is of French origin and means "merchant".