Your Character in Terror Fest is the main protagonist of the Terror Fest book.
Although his/her/their default name is "Sam Carpenter", the player can choose to name him/her/them as they wish.
The appearance of your character is up to the player.
While the exact personality of your character is up to the player, you often come across as sarcastic and cynical. You're no longer as shy as you were in high school, but you still struggle with feeling pushed aside in favor of your more outgoing and popular sister Destiny. You want nothing to do with your ancestor, the infamous murderer Stabby Joe, and have a strong moral objection to the fact that your hometown celebrates him with a yearly week-long festival. You have so much difficulty trusting people that when the murders begin, you start to doubt your sister and friends. You are determined to learn the killer's identity and get justice for their victims.
You grew up on Morilec Island alongside your older half-sister Destiny. Although your childhood was one of extreme financial privilege, with your family even employing a private chef, it was not a happy one. Your father never gave you the attention you needed and he consistently pitted you and Destiny against each other, with Destiny always the predetermined winner in his eyes. When he died, he left the entirety of his vast fortune to Destiny out of the belief you would share your inheritance with your "golddigging" mother.
Shortly after high school, you left the island. You've spent the past year in Cordonia on a study-abroad program as a criminology student, and have recently begun to be recognized for your published research on serial killer behavioral patterns.
Terror Fest
Terror Fest
- Chapter 1: B----, Don't Kill My Vibe
- Chapter 2: At Death's Door
- Chapter 3: Assassination of Character
- Chapter 4: Kill Your Darlings
- Chapter 5: Mayday Parade
- Chapter 6: Let the Bodies Hit the Floor
- Chapter 7: A Brush With Death
- Chapter 8: Reliving the Gory Days
- Chapter 9: Little House of Horrors
- Chapter 10: To Catch a Killer
- Chapter 11: Dead Wrong
- Chapter 12: Dial M For Murder
- Chapter 13: 1313 Dead End Drive
- Chapter 14: Dead and Buried
- Chapter 15: Kill or Be Killed
- Chapter 16: Welcome to Terror Fest
Your relationship with Destiny has always been very strained. You struggled with your father's obvious preference for her, as well as her much-greater popularity in school, and have always felt as though you're in her shadow. Although you can choose to respond favorably to her efforts to build a positive relationship, you are frequently resentful of how much people love her and how much she seems able to get away with.
When you return to the island after studying abroad, Destiny brings you to a party that you soon learn was publicly advertised as a way of helping you finally lose your virginity. Your humiliation and fury is only worsened when you witness a murder and Destiny refuses to believe you, claiming that you're making it up for attention. You still trust her enough to let her help you escape impromptu house arrest when you're named as the murder's prime suspect, but during your flight you begin to suspect her of being the killer and run from her instead.
Upon reuniting later, you confront Destiny for her mean-spirited party and accuse her of being the murderer. She insists the party was a genuine attempt to help you and swears she'd never hurt you, as you're the only family she's got left. If you apologize for the accusation, she immediately grants forgiveness and the two of you agree to try and repair your relationship. If you insist she's the killer, you declare yourself done with her. Either way, she is murdered that same night. If you fight her killer, you manage a final moment with her before she dies, allowing you just enough time to apologize or tell her you love her.
If you choose to honor her memory in Chapter 5, any of your friends will reveal that Destiny cared about you far more than you thought. You're startled to learn that she spoke openly of her pride and fondness for you, or that she was relieved when your father died because he was the direct cause of your poor relationship. If you chose to forgive her, you miss her deeply and wish she were still around to help uncover the murderer. Even if you didn't forgive her, however, you remain drawn to her memory.
Allen/Alana Whitaker
Allen/Alana was your former high school crush. The two of you had plans to sleep together after prom, but you backed out at the last minute and did not see him/her again before you left the island. Upon reuniting for the first time since high school, you become aware that your mutual attraction lingers to some degree, though you can choose whether it's strong enough to act on. Allen/Alana wants to pick up where you left off, but even if you don't agree to sleep with him/her right away, you are open to slowly rebuilding a relationship. Regardless of your choice, you are completely horrified when Allen/Alana is violently murdered in front of you moments later.
Koda is one of your love interests.
Lucky Alvarez
Lucky is one of your love interests.
Tyson Vreeland
Tyson is one of your love interests. He is initially hesitant if you try to flirt with him, but eventually allows it. You can get close to him and have him open up about his childhood. However, in reality he has an unhealthy obsession with you and your group. He is angry at you for your crush on Allen/Alana because he/she isn't "one of them."
Zaire Jackson
Zaire is one of your love interests.
Character Customization
Outfit Choices
Body Type 1
Body Type 2
- Body Type 1 reuses one face each from Guarded, The Royal Masquerade, Kiss of Death, and Laws of Attraction. Body Type 2 reuses one face each from Blades of Light and Shadow, Unbridled: An Untameable Story, The Elementalists, and Veil of Secrets.
- The straight brown Body Type 1 hairstyle is the same as the one used by a Female 3 Sam Dalton from The Nanny Affair.
- You are the first Choices protagonist who can romance a non-binary love interest.
- The default name of Sam Carpenter is likely a reference to Samantha "Sam" Carpenter, the main protagonist of Scream (2022) and Scream VI.