Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Your Character in Dirty Little Secrets is the main protagonist of the Dirty Little Secrets series.

Although her/his default name is "Faith/Francis Constance", the player can choose to name her/him as they wish.


The appearance of your character is up to the player.


The exact personality of your character is up to the player, but in general you're very nosy about your neighbors' affairs and not hesitant about digging deep into the personal business of others. You're a fan of true crime and so excited to play detective that you easily get carried away with your amateur investigations. Your overactive imagination sometimes leads you to suspect people based on very little evidence, and you often assume the worst possible motive for actions you can't explain. Despite this, you do show some self-awareness, mainly about the absurdity of the neighborhood relationships and the irrational speed of your romance with Carpenter. You have a competitive streak and a petty side which only appear in reaction to other people, indicating that while you may not instigate conflicts, you'll fight back hard and dirty if provoked.


When you inherit your late aunt's home, you decide to move to Oak Valley. There you discover her house is situated on the divide between "Upstreet" and "Downstreet" Vermillion Lane, terms that are used to describe the residents there and their attitudes towards each other. Despite this, you're still considered a Downstreeter.


Dirty Little Secrets

Dirty Little Secrets

  • Chapter 1: Welcome to Vermillion Lane
  • Chapter 2: Comfort From a Stranger
  • Chapter 3: Potluck of Secrets
  • Chapter 4: A Date with Danger
  • Chapter 5: In The Wake Of
  • Chapter 6: Sadie's Secrets
  • Chapter 7: Twin Surprises
  • Chapter 8: F is for Philanthropy
  • Chapter 9: War of the Car Washes
  • Chapter 10: Sweet Sadie-Anne
  • Chapter 11: On The Outs
  • Chapter 12: The Mayor's Mistress
  • Chapter 13: Detective Lawson
  • Chapter 14: Happy Kitchen, Happy Life
  • Chapter 15: In Close Quarters
  • Chapter 16: A Fractured Fantasy
  • Chapter 17: Fires Are Lit
  • Chapter 18: Crimes of Passion
  • Chapter 19: Caught
  • Chapter 20: The Killer Unmasked



Carpenter is your neighbor and your love interest. The day you move into your new house, he/she helps you with your moving boxes and then offers to fix your porch. Carpenter is with you when Valerie Wright, Sadie, and the twins welcome you to the neighborhood and Valerie drops down dead. Carpenter stays with you to comfort you and invites you to his/her house for a lemonade to get away from the neighbors loudly gossiping on your doorsteps. You notice Carpenter is walled up concerning personal questions, especially about his/her late wife, and therefore you try to make him/her open up to you. After Sadie tells you that Carpenter may have killed his/her wife but still acts flirty towards him/her herself, you are initially torn whether to trust him/her or not and become determined to clear up the mystery, even by searching his/her bedroom where you find medicine that could have caused his/her late wife's heart attack. This doesn't go unnoticed by Carpenter who, when confronted by you about the rumors, tells you that he/she occasionally takes the medicine to help anxiety. You become determined to clear his/her name by solving Valerie's murder and Carpenter regularly steps in to help with your amateur sleuthing, which brings you two closer in the progress. After your house burns down, you temporarily stay with Carpenter and Yvette and in the finale, Carpenter asks you to move in with them permanently.

Yvette King

Yvette King is Carpenter's daughter who acts coolly towards you during your first meeting as she is very protective of her father/mother ever since her mother's death. In Chapter 7, you can join the two for their annually tradition of visiting the fair and sampling all the available foods to declare a winner which will also make Yvette be more open towards you. She continues to be suspicious of you but ultimately approves of you. From Chapter 10 onwards, Yvette becomes more and more involved with your sleuthing and then officially joins your team.

Sadie Hotchmitch

Sadie is part of your welcome wagon and tells you that you won't last long in the neighborhood. When you discover her having an affair with Valerie's husband, she makes it onto your list of suspects and you investigate her by breaking into her house. She in turn starts rumors that you have murdered Valerie yourself. You compete against each other to become the next HOA president.

Character Customization

Faces & Hairstyles

Outfit Choices

Body Type 1

Body Type 2



