Ximaedra, a character in the Endless Summer series, is Varyyn's mother and the Elyyshar of the Vaanti until her death in Chapter 6. She is first seen in Book 2, Chapter 4.
Ximaedra has long red hair with blue flowers placed on it, and yellow eyes. She had pale green skin and wears a white and yellow tunic. She has a net placed on the top of her head, covering the upper part of her face. A necklace of blue jewels rests on her neck.
Befitting her status as Elyyshar, Ximaedra is shrewd, evaluating the opinions of others before reaching a decision that ensures the best outcome in the long run. This is shown during the trial of the group, when she chose to have them exiled to Sharktooth Isle rather than executed (if your character chose the right options during the trial). This allowed the group to survive as well as search for a means to escape while appeasing the Vaanti, who were suspicious of them.
She is also a caring person who dislikes the idea of executing the Catalysts despite the demands of her people. She even chose to sacrifice herself by distracting Cetus, even if it meant sacrificing her life. Her refusal to let Varyyn reverse her death, stating that some choices must last, indicates her courage in the midst of death.
Endless Summer
Book 2
- Chapter 4: Island Justice
- Chapter 6: You Can’t Save Everyone
- Chapter 7: Everything at Once
Book 3
- Chapter 12: You Mean The World to Me (Determinant)
Varyyn is Ximaedra's son. They had a strong bond together, as shown he grieved for her death after Cetus electrocuted her and she stopped him from activating the time crystals she wore as a necklace.
- Ximaedra is the first character whose death or dead body is shown on-screen rather than alluded through dialogue in Choices. In her case, she died in Varyyn's arms after Cetus electrocuted her.
- Ximaedra makes an appearance in Endless Summer, Book 1, Chapter 6, ahead of schedule, if you input the correct password into Rourke's computer.
- In an alternate timeline, she didn't die at the hands of Cetus, and she attacked Elyys’tel with an army of Vaanti warriors, in order to take it back from the Arachnids.