The good, the bad, and the almost irrelevant. They are the miscellaneous characters that are there to answer that one question, explain away that one plot hole, assist in adding development to that actually relevant character, or give that good (or bad) advice. We usually never learn their names. They are there and they are gone as soon as they serve their purpose often never to be seen again. They may not be the most memorable but definitely have a role to play. If the "No Image" picture is used, it means that the particular character has only been mentioned and has never physically appeared.
Wolf Bride
Chapter 1
Although you only see your mother in your memories in Chapter 10, you can choose to ask or talk about her in various chapters. Alpha tells you that she left Hunt's Peak when he was very young so he never met her. You mention that she had left when she was a teenager, and Zane tells you that she was supposed to be bonded to an Alpha before she ran away with your father.
In Chapter 10, during your journey into your memories, you see your parents looking at you sadly. You can choose to be angry or appreciative towards your mother for hiding the truth about your connection to the werewolves. Her character model resembles Emmeline Ebrim from The Royal Romance series.
Chapter 3
Alpha takes you to meet the pack of wolves that they protect. The wolves are not afraid of him or you, and Alpha tells you that they won't attack you because they know you're with him. They treat Alpha like one of them, and trust you two with their pups as they go to hunt. Alpha tells you about the alpha wolf's role similar to his own. He tells you that the wolves there are one of the most endangered species in the country.
Wolf Pup
You play with the wolf pup while the adults hunt. Later, he goes to play with other pups.
Chapter 4
When the werewolves go hunting, you tag along with Layla to watch. You see the herd of deer that the wolves approach.
In Chapter 16's final battle, if you adopted Thunderhoof and acquired the Animal Speech power, the deers come to your aid and impale SEP soldiers.
Chapter 6
If you decide the investigate the toxic spill with Callum, Jett, and Isobel, you find two men dumping waste illegally in the river. Noemi says the two men are from SEP. His character model resembles a driver from Red Carpet Diaries, Book 1.
He along with the driver are scared when Callum, Jett, and Isobel turn into werewolves. They promptly run back to their truck and drive off. His character model resembles Ricky Burke from the High School Story series.
You see the hawk near the site of the toxic spill. If you learned animal speech, you can understand the hawk.
Chapter 7
Security Guard
During the full moon, you see a group of Primal werewolves attacking guards in front of a large office building. Jett pounces on this guard and injures him. His character model resembles Mervin Kalani.
Man (2)
In the chaos, this man is surprised that Jett attacked the security guard. His character model resembles Tony Flores.
She is surprised by the werewolves as well and asks what they are. Her character model resembles Teagan.
This werewolf is part of the pack that attacks the people in Hunt's Peak. You don't recognize this member. The brown werewolf resembles Octavia's werewolf form in Nightbound.
Werewolf (2)
This werewolf is another member of the Pack that you don't recognize. The gray werewolf resembles Kristof Jensen's werewolf form in Nightbound.
When you take Layla to the hosptial, the doctor tells you that she is going to be fine and they were able to stop her labor. Her character model resembles Julia Mason.
Chapter 8
In the premium scene to learn Scent Tracking, you will try to follow the scent of the raccoon if you haven't adopted Thunderhoof.
When asked what happened the previous night, she is unsure. She doesn't believe the destruction was called by the locals, and she says that half the town works for SEP. She believes the town would be nowhere without Mr. Sayre. Her character model resembles Izzy from It Lives In The Woods.
Carnival Attendant
If you go to the carnival with Werewolf Hunter, you meet this character by the balloon poping game. Her character model resembles Mel from Rising Tides.
White Stag
If you dream with Alpha Werewolf, you encounter this character.
Chapter 10
Your dad calls you their sweet girl. His character model 1 resembles Xinghai Lee from The Royal Romance series; character model resembles a version of Stephen from The Senior; character model 3 resembles Simon Zilberg from The Senior; character model 4 resembles Greg from High School Story: Class Act series.
If you romance or side with Werewolf Hunter more than Alpha Werewolf, during your journey into your memories, you see two of your ex-girlfriends. Chloe says you two weren't right for each other. Her character model resembles Faye Devore from Mother of the Year.
If you romance or side with Alpha Werewolf more than Werewolf Hunter, during your journey into your memories, you see two of your ex-boyfriends. Jamal says you two weren't right for each other. His character model resembles a crewmember from Rules of Engagement, Book 1.
Amanda was your ex-girlfriend from college. Her character model resembles Alexis from Sunkissed.
Brett was your ex-boyfriend from college. His character model resembles Ben from It Lives In The Woods.
Chapter 11
Pack Member (Female)
She is one of the pack members. Her character model resembles Kailani Keawe from The Crown & The Flame series. If you gain the "Pack Status" ability, she welcomes you to the pack despite what Jett and Isobel say. In Chapter 12, she welcomes Werewolf Hunter to the Pack and in Chapter 13, she comments that Werewolf Hunter's first kill during her first hunt was a good kill.
Chapter 12
SEP Soldier (1)
His character model resembles Krom's human form from Nightbound.
SEP Soldier (2)
His character model resembles Omar from the America's Most Eligible series.
Pack Member (Male)
If you decide to wear Noemi's speaker regalia, he says the Speaker honors you. If you don't, he will first appear in Chapter 13, happily telling Werewolf Hunter he wasn't sure she would take the kill until she did. His character model resembles Noa Keawe from The Crown and the Flame series.
Chapter 15
Drained Werewolf (Woman)
You see her and other weakened werewolves in cages in Sayre's laboratory. However, you do not interact with them yet as you're focused on Sayre and his men. Her character model resembles a version of Mary from Desire & Decorum, Book 1.
SEP Doctor
If you decide to play along to try to gain more information from Sayre, this doctor interrupts the two of you, letting Sayre know that he is needed at the lab. His character model resembles Garrett Thorne from Open Heart: Second Year.
Chapter 16
Drained Werewolf (Man)
Layla's Pup
She is Layla's daughter. Layla gives birth to her on a full moon night, which results in her disability of blindness. Her suggested name is "Noemi" but the player can choose a name for her if you helped Layla deliver her.
The fox will come to help you in the battle if you acquired Animal Speech.