Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Walt, a character in The Billionaire's Baby book, is Billionaire's father. He is first seen in Chapter 7, although he can be mentioned for the first time in Chapter 1.


The appearance of Walt depends on the version chosen for Billionaire. All versions of Walt wear a maroon jacket, a light brown vest, and a white shirt underneath.


Walt considers himself to be old-school, and the surrogacy thing is new to him, given that in his day, babies were conceived the old-fashioned way by their birth mother.


Walt is a big fan of the Bighorns, a sports team.


The Billionaire's Baby

The Billionaire's Baby

  • Chapter 1: The Chance of a Lifetime (Mentioned; Determinant)
  • Chapter 2: Ready or Not (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 4: Business... Or Pleasure? (Mentioned; Determinant)
  • Chapter 7: A Family Affair
  • Chapter 11: Happy Daphne-versary
  • Chapter 13: Contraction Distraction (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 17: Baby Love
  • Chapter 20: The Silver Lining



Juliet and Walt broke up when Billionaire was a kid, and there was a custody battle between them. Before the two broke up, Juliet and Walt used to fight a lot, and for this reason, they aren't on good terms.


Walt believes that Billionaire turned out pretty good, because he/she is a billionaire, a philanthropist and a CEO. At the same time, both Walt and Juliet don't want their son/daughter to make the same mistakes they did.

Your Character

You meet Walt for the first time in Chapter 7, and he mentions that it must be weird being a surrogate. You can then respond by saying that his comment is pretty personal for someone he just met, or by making a joke with a stork. Either way, he hopes that Daughter will inherit your humour and art skills. During Billionaire's and Daphne's anniversary party, he makes another inappropriate comment by saying that you have become huge, and Amanda gets angry and tells him that he's being rude again.


Other Looks

