Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Vivian Lopez, a character in The Phantom Agent book, is your contact, and a skilled hacker. She is first seen in Chapter 2.


Vivian has medium-length brown curly hair, tanned skin, and brown eyes. She wears a star hairpin, and her casual outfit consists of a maroon suit jacket with a blue hoodie.


According to herself, she has a good conscience. Vivian can also be described as funny, nerdy, and very tech-savvy. While appearing hesitant and scared at first, deep down she wants to stop The Architect from doing any more harm. Based on various scenes and references she makes, it is implied she is into video games. Towards the end of Chapter 8, Agent Gray tells her that she is thorough as always.


Vivian got involved with everything for the first time after wanting to purchase some rare figurines. Because she couldn't find them online, she accessed the dark web, and when she did, she stumbled upon The Architect, and given that she didn't like what she saw, she downloaded all the intel she could find.


The Phantom Agent

The Phantom Agent

  • Chapter 2: No Risk, No Reward
  • Chapter 3: Under Fire
  • Chapter 4: The Doctor is In
  • Chapter 5: Sun, Sand, and Seduction
  • Chapter 6: Island of Secrets
  • Chapter 7: The Man in the Shadows
  • Chapter 8: Tricks of the Trade
  • Chapter 9: Faster
  • Chapter 10: Forbidden Fruit
  • Chapter 11: Laser Focus
  • Chapter 12: Reunion
  • Chapter 13: Rogue Agent
  • Chapter 14: Kill Switch
  • Chapter 15: Loyalty
  • Chapter 16: Last Gasp
  • Chapter 17: Retribution


Your Character

You meet her for the first time in a casino in France, after being informed that she has intel in regards to the recent ransomware attacks. At first she doesn't want to get involved because she's scared, but afterwards she decides to join your team and help you. She also offers you an electric glove to help with catching the assassin, and in Chapter 4, she helps you restore power after The Architect hacks the mainframe of the hospital. If you attempt to flirt with her in Chapter 13, she says that she heard you try to flirt, kiss, and screw enough people through the comms, and that she will not be added to that list.


Other Looks



  • She shares the same name as Vivian Clarke from The Ghost of Us, Vivian Dalton from The Nanny Affair, Vivian Hernandez from Slow Burn, and Vivian Somerset from The Unexpected Heiress.
    • The name Vivian is a gender-neutral one of Latin origin and means "alive, lively". It was originally a male name, but over time it came to be given to both sexes, and is currently used primarily as a female name.
  • She owns a pink drone named Nellie.
    • that one was destroyed in Chapter 9.
    • Chapter 13 shows a rebuilt version.
  • A potential Chapter 4 comment from Vivian tells that she had a previous drone named Veronica that was taken when she tried to get backstage footage of some unspecified amusement park.
    • If the firearms option is selected, Vivian seems to imply that Nellie has a taser.
    • A potential conversation later in the chapter tells that Nellie has heat sensors.
  • Chapter 5 reveals that her laptop is covered with stickers.
  • A potential Chapter 6 conversation tells that she takes offense to science fiction books being boring.
  • Vivian is apparently a Star Wars fan as she references it in multiple chapters, asking if Han (Solo) shot first in Chapter 6, as well as knocking in time of the Imperial March and positively comparing the lasers to lightsabers in Chapter 11.