Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

The good, the bad, and the almost irrelevant. They are the miscellaneous characters that are there to answer that one question, explain away that one plot hole, assist in adding development to that actually relevant character, or give that good (or bad) advice. We usually never learn their names. They are there and they are gone as soon as they serve their purpose often never to be seen again. They may not be the most memorable but definitely have a role to play. If the "No Image" picture is used, it means that the particular character has only been mentioned and has never physically appeared.

Veil of Secrets

Chapter 1

VoSCh01 Waiter


If you decide to have a spontaneous bachelorette party for Kate, you two along with Grant and Scarlett head for The Red Grouse, an upscale cliffside distillery. There a waiter takes your order. His character model is the usual waiter model, such as seen in Perfect Match, Book 1 and Red Carpet Diaries, Book 1.

Chapter 3


Magnus Sterling

When you are talking to Pierce Sterling in his study, a model ship catches your eye. Pierce tells you that it is a scale model of The Endurance. In the 17th century, his ancestor Magnus Sterling captained this ship and used it to travel to the country. When Magnus arrived at Birchport, it was only a "row of decrepit beach shacks" and he turned it into a town that had trading connections to Europe.


Archibald Sterling

If you ask Margaret Sterling about the trophy room, she tells you that Archibald founded the Birchport Open in 1923, and since then Sterling men have competed in it every year.



She is a maid at Sterling Manor. Margaret asks her to show you to the front door and she leads you outside.

Chapter 5


Aaron Hendricks

When Naomi asks if Flynn had an alibi, he says that he did a shift for Aaron down at the docks.


Marlon Barrister

You talk about him in a premium scene if you choose to tell Grant that your life is interesting. He is a super-intelligent Ivy League graduate. You think he is the most interesting person you've ever interviewed. He is convinced New York is secretly ruled by a cabal of vampires, a reference to Bloodbound.

Chapter 6

VoSBk1Ch06 - Bar Woman 1

Bar Woman 1

When you and Flynn go to a bar look for Tony Rez, you run into two women at the bar first. The women quickly make it clear that they don't like Kate and they aren't afraid to let you and Flynn know it. She bears a slight resemblance to Kaitlyn.

VoSBk1Ch06 - Bar Woman 2

Bar Woman 2

When you and Flynn go to a bar look for Tony Rez, you run into two women at the bar first. The women quickly make it clear that they don't like Kate and they aren't afraid to let you and Flynn know it.



If you ask the women you meet at Shipwreck Sally's if they had seen Kate, Bar Woman 1 will tell you that no matter how many times she asks, Jimmy refuses to take down Kate's photo from its place above the bar.


Mark Garvey

When you talk to Tony Rez about Tanner, he tells you about three people who had bad things happen to them after having crossed the Sterlings. The first one is Mark Garvey whose ship got wrecked in a storm after trying to open his own imports business.


Andy Perello

The second person is Andy Perello who beat Bryce up in high school and died some months later in a car accident.


Alanis Acosta

Finally, he tells you about Alanis, Pierce's secretary who died in a house fire he finds "wicked suspicious." You later discover in Chapter 13 that she was Pierce's lover when you find a love letter she wrote to Pierce in April 1993 about her being pregnant. She was the mother of their son, Jeff. Nikolai set the house on fire after being told about the affair by Margaret. Pierce had planned to leave Margaret for Alanis, raise their child, and tell her about his illegal drug business, but Margaret couldn't let him do any of this.

VoSBk1Ch06 - Frat Bro

Frat Bro

He heard that you and Flynn were looking for Kate and approaches you with what he calls 'juice goose.' When he tries to extort one thousand dollars out of the pair of you, you have the choice to pick between flirting with him or having Flynn rough him up to get the information after which he will tell you useful information that sends the two of you plus Naomi looking in the woods for Kate late that night. If Your Character decides to flirt with him and is male, Frat Bro will be swayed regardless of gender (thereby confirming he's de facto bisexual) and will confess to you that he's not out to the rest of his frat brothers. The news does lead to you finding Kate, but it also leads to your car being run off the road by a Dusk Avalon.

Chapter 7



He was Flynn's friend in prison. If you choose to patch Flynn up yourself, he tells you that a couple of neo-nazis tried to go after Miguel. Flynn dropped one with a punch, but the other one got Flynn in the side with a shiv.



In Chapter 7, Naomi tells you the story of the first time she was searching for a missing person. Her parents owned a ranch in rural Wyoming and had some farmhands who lived with them. Deni was the much younger son of one of the farmhands. When Naomi was 13 years old, Deni went missing in the middle of winter after having a fight with his father and then running away. Naomi found him and carried him back to the ranch so that he could be taken to hospital.

Chapter 8

VoSBk1Ch08 - Doctor Nadia Sidani

Nadia Sidani

Nadia Sidani is Kate's doctor after you find Kate with the help of Flynn and Naomi. She tells you and Flynn about Kate's condition, which is mostly good news except for the likelihood that Kate won't remember much about her captivity due to the drugs in her system. This is proven true shortly after when Kate wakes up. Her character model resembles the woman in the bonus scene of It Lives in the Woods.


Miss Chao

When you go with Grant to get flowers for Kate, she's the vendor. She is an older lady with weathered features and curly gray hair. She works at a floral stand where lilies and daisies spill over their tubs onto the sidewalk. She waves and winks at Grant as he approaches and he calls her an artist. He tells you that you'll never see a more gorgeous bouquet than hers. She creates a beautiful arrangement around the flower you picked out, then makes another for Grant that complements yours perfectly.

Chapter 10


Lester Bovko

He was one of the attendees of the Sterlings' annual 4th of July gala. He had a heart attack after the fireworks explosion which had taken place earlier. Naomi brings him up when she talks about the aftermath of the explosion and says that there was a cardiologist in the crowd who told her he would be fine.

VoSCh10 Waitress


Before you and Flynn can talk to Nikolai about explosives, he motions for a waitress to bring you drinks. Her character model resembles Izzy from It Lives In The Woods.



He is a chatty Russian guy who was one of a group of sketchy dudes whom Flynn made a delivery to once after he had got out of prison. When Mikhail found out Flynn lived in Birchport, he started asking about Nikolai. Specifically 'if Nikolai was still blowing things up and burning things down.' That was how Flynn knew Nikolai was the go-to guy for explosives.


Hanley Smalls

He was the previous owner of Flynn's houseboat. He was an old dockworker who took an interest in Flynn. He taught him how to fish and how to play poker. When the fishing industry was struggling, he and other small operators got hit hard so he racked up some serious debts. The guy who held his loan had no sympathy whatsoever and was planning to repossess Hanley's houseboat. Luckily, that guy had some problems of his own and couldn't resist a game of poker. The higher the stakes, the better. Flynn won Hanley his boat back. And when the old guy died, he left it to him. Flynn tells you about him in a premium scene.

Chapter 11


Elina the Second

If you agree to go on a horseback ride with Naomi, you meet her two horses, Elina the Second and Nightbringer. The reason she's called "the Second" is the first Elina was her horse back in Wyoming. She is the horse you ride.



He is the horse Naomi rides if you choose to go for a ride in the forest with her. According to Naomi, the name is "badass as hell".

Mac Hornby

Mac Hornby

Mac Hornby is Birchport's district attorney. He is shown to be devious, making up a story about Kate, depicting Your Character as an untrustworthy individual, and manipulating the testimonies of eyewitnesses to suit Pierce and Walsh's narratives and have Kate be apprehended. According to Flynn, Mac is a frequent guest at the Sterlings' parties, implying a close relationship with Pierce. This is shown during Kate's trial, when he tries to convince the jury that Kate is guilty of killing Tanner and staging her own kidnapping.

Chapter 13


Sammy Jasper

Sammy is mentioned by Flynn after Nikolai got shot down. Flynn didn't think that things added up and therefore kept investigating. Sammy was Nikolai's drinking buddy and one night, Nikolai told him about his secret love, Margaret Sterling. This info leads your investigation into the right direction.

Chapter 14

VoSCh14 - Tino Thompson

Tino Thompson

Tino comes to take over the case and take Chief Walsh and Margaret Sterling into custody. Before he can do this, he is murdered by Deputy Duffy just before Duffy kills Tino's two prisoners and kidnaps Kate with the intention of killing her too.


Jennifer and Charles Duffy

The adoptive parents of Jeff Duffy. They are mentioned by Grant.

Chapter 16


Rachel O'Malley

The daughter of Kate O'Malley and Tanner Sterling. She is one year old by the end of the epilogue (bonus scene) as mentioned by Your Character in your article.
