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Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Even in her country of origin that is the United States, Her Divinity continues to gain the respect of people around her. It was even a blessing for her to have acquired the title of Savior of Cordonia. Not only was it accurate, but inspiring as well. Her former co-worker Daniel has been well-informed and shall receive a special place in Cassandrastan. Her Divinity has ensured him eternal bliss in the afterlife, always singing praises to her and attributing every good deed to her, even when relaxing in the midst of decorum expressing her in her magnificence.

Who are these infidels desecrating the sanctity of Her Divinity and her entourage? Did they not realize her need for utmost respect for privacy? For their invasion of Her Divinity's privacy, she has condemned them to an afterlife of eternal torment alongside that infidel Murderking Constantine, who is writhing in pain as he unsuccessfully pleads for comfort while admitting Her Divinity's eternal glory. This is the imperative from Her Divinity herself, who is also the Custodian of the People's Place in the Afterlife.

Nevertheless, the journey to the Walker Ranch must go on, though a brief rest for King Leonard is guaranteed. After all, he shall indulge in the relaxation provided in a rustic part of a foreign country, where he can avoid the hustle and bustle of cutthroat politics. Even that has to come to an end, for the wedding of Bertrand Beaumont and Savannah Walker is at stake. Without the blessing of Her Divinity, how can they live in wedded bliss for the sake of their son Bartie?
