Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Tyler Woods, a character from the Murder at Homecoming book, is Gabbie's supposed boyfriend, and one of your love interests. He is first seen in Chapter 1.


Tyler's looks are determined by the player.

Regardless of his physical appearance, his outfit consists of a green plaid flannel over a white shirt with dark grey jeans. He wears a silver triangle necklace, a watch on his right arm and four bracelets on both wrists.


Although Tyler is a skilled athlete and the star of the track team, the contents of his locker show him to be struggling academically. He mentions that he's not fond of rich people, believing through personal experience that there are negative stereotypes about them for a reason. He believes that Gabbie's friends in particular are snobby and elitist brats. Donovan calls him impulsive and angry in Chapter 3 and in Chapter 5, you have the option to tell him to watch his temper. He replies that it's tough as he doesn't want others to walk over him.


Murder at Homecoming

Murder at Homecoming

  • Chapter 1: Blood in the Water
  • Chapter 2: Keep Your Enemies Close
  • Chapter 3: Not Alone
  • Chapter 4: You've Changed
  • Chapter 5: Bad Boys
  • Chapter 6: Behind Closed Doors
  • Chapter 7: Party Crasher
  • Chapter 8: I Don't Want to Believe
  • Chapter 9: Case Closed?
  • Chapter 10: Prisoner's Dilemma
  • Chapter 11: Run, Rabbit, Run
  • Chapter 12: To Tug at Tangled Threads
  • Chapter 13: Pick Your Poisoner
  • Chapter 14: Dance with Death
  • Chapter 15: Prey For Me
  • Chapter 16: Surviving High School



Tyler was Gabbie's boyfriend at the time of her death. She hired you to make sure the Homecoming election wasn't rigged, because she believed his teammates hate Tyler for being the star runner and want to see him humiliated. In Chapter 2, if Claudia trusts you enough, she tells you the two of them were having problems as Tyler believed Gabbie was cheating on him. Although they started dating on March 16, 2021 and recently celebrated a six-month anniversary on September 16, they only pretended to be okay during Homecoming. You note that the date was important to Tyler because he used it as his locker combination.

If you decide to snoop around the boys locker room in Chapter 2, you overhear Kevin mention that Gabbie convinced the coach not to kick Tyler off the team.

However, in Chapter 3, Tyler reveals that they hadn't actually been dating, as Gabbie simply needed someone to pretend to be her boyfriend until graduation. It sometimes led to tension between the two, even to the point where Tyler thought she may have gotten herself into serious trouble, as Gabbie would often have him cover for her without ever telling him why.

Your Character

Tyler is one of your initial suspects in Gabbie's murder after you find his bloody pocket square at the scene of the crime. While looking through his phone, you discover that the last text he sent her read "U are so dead", which you interpret as a death threat.

Eventually, you try to escape his car after breaking into it, but Tyler catches up to you. The two of you talk about his and Gabbie's relationship and her murder. He thought you and Gabbie were secretly dating.

Donovan Navarro

Donovan doesn't think too highly of Tyler, calling him shallow. He also claims Tyler has been talking down on him for not being into sports. The two of them get into a fight when you decide to visit the Navarro's home in an attempt to find more clues about Gabbie's death.


His teammates -notably Kevin and Drew- believe he killed Gabbie. Kevin knows she died of a drug overdose, and speculates that Tyler supplied her with the drugs. Kevin states that Tyler lives in an apartment complex with drug dealers and junkies, and so it "adds up". However, he has no proof and says the best thing they can do is get Tyler expelled.


MAH Tyler

Other Looks



  • The name Tyler is of Old English origin and means "tile maker", "tile layer", "house builder" or "doorkeeper of an inn".
  • He shares the same last name as Arthur Woods from Desire & Decorum, as well as the default last name of the MC from With Every Heartbeat and her mother.
  • In a premium scene in Chapter 3, it's revealed that his mother was a waitress for 30 years.
    • In the same scene, he can tell that the diner's cheeseburger is his go-to.
  • In a premium scene in Chapter 5, it's revealed that he was nearly expelled for triggering April Morris' epilepsy and hospitalizing her in a hazing ritual gone wrong.
  • In a premium scene of Chapter 6, he mentions having dressed up as Thor for three Halloweens straight because of the 2012 The Avengers.
  • The only Avery Wilshere song he knows is "How to Start Again".[1]
  • In Chapter 8, if you choose to sneak off with him, Tyler reveals that he has dyslexia.
  • In Chapter 16, it's revealed that Tyler had applied to Langston University (another Choices character who planned to go there is Your Character (Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance) but that he didn't get in. Instead, he will be going to Ohio State which is closer and also grants him an athletic scholarship.

