Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Theresa and Renee Rampersad, characters from the Slow Burn book, are Everett/Yvette's mother and sister respectively. They are first seen in Chapter 10.


Both Theresa's and Renee's appearances are determined by the character model of Everett/Yvette.


Theresa is welcoming and passionate about cooking. Renee, on the other hand, initially feels frustrated and overshadowed by Everett/Yvette's fame, upset that Everett/Yvette has abandoned them. However, she eventually understands Everett/Yvette's reasons and is shown to be a caring sister.

Chapters: Theresa

Slow Burn

Slow Burn

  • Chapter 10: The Back Burner
  • Chapter 11: Chef's Special
  • Chapter 16: Piece de Resistance (Determinant)

Chapters: Renee

Slow Burn

Slow Burn

  • Chapter 10: The Back Burner
  • Chapter 11: Chef's Special
  • Chapter 16: Piece de Resistance (Determinant)


Your Character

Theresa is the owner of Sa Ka Fete. She tells you that she had divorced Everett/Yvette's father when he/she was born so it was only her and Renee with him/her growing up. If you decide to learn Renee's recipe, she tells you that they used to be best friends and she knew that Everett/Yvette was going to be great and travel the world.


Renee is Everett/Yvette's older sister. She harbors resentment towards Everett/Yvette for not helping them the second he/she became famous. Renee is a chef in her own right and feels overshadowed by Everett/Yvette and wants to put her own mark on the family's restaurant.


Other Looks


