SPOILER ALERTIf you haven't read the most recent chapter and are looking for a walkthrough, be aware that the page is full of spoilers.
This page contains the choices in The Spy I Married and their outcomes.
This game revolves around the choices you make. They can improve or decrease relationships with the characters. This walkthrough is made to assist others in helping them make the right choice for their game. Good luck and happy playing!
Choices that have no outcome on the side have not been explored yet, please help this page by contributing those answers!
You sure you can handle all of this? ( +JOHN/JANE)
Not in front of my family! ( +JOHN/JANE)
Choice 2
To spend the rest of my life with you! (No effect)
For a lifetime of excitement! (No effect)
For a house, some kids, a dog... (No effect)
Choice 3
A gun? (No effect)
Choice 4
Scream! (No effect)
Run! (No effect)
Demand answers! (+TRUST)
Choice 5
Join the fight! (No effect)
Go for Ryan's gun! (No effect)
Create a distraction! (No effect)
Choice 6
I can't handle seeing any more death. (No effect)
You wanted to be out of this life... so be out. (+TRUST)
Choice 7
Runaway Bride / A Woman Shorn (💎 15) (Fashion Emergency)
No thanks (Label Queen)
Choice 8
Give it to me. (💎 15)
Keep it. (Emptyhanded)
Diamond Choice 1
The lesson. (No effect)
How good John/Jane feels around me. (No effect)
Diamond Choice 2
The vase. (No effect)
The painting. (No effect)
The figurine. (No effect)
"Great Power, Great Responsibility"
Choice 9
This is a timed choice. The option order is random.
Stay completely still! (+ESCAPE)
Squirm nervously! (-ESCAPE; Speed Racer, +ESCAPE if you altered your dress; +ESCAPE if you didn't alter your dress but have the gun; otherwise -ESCAPE)
Sway! (-ESCAPE; Speed Racer, +ESCAPE if you altered your dress; +ESCAPE if you didn't alter your dress but have the gun; otherwise -ESCAPE)
If the timer ends, the third option is selected.
Choice 10
This is a timed choice. The option order is random.
Kiss John/Jane! ( +JOHN/JANE, +ESCAPE)
Link arms with John/Jane! (-ESCAPE; +ESCAPE if you altered your dress or have the gun, otherwise no further effect)
Freeze in place! (-ESCAPE; +ESCAPE if you altered your dress or have the gun, otherwise no further effect)
If the timer ends, the third option is selected.
"The Heist: Wedding Edition" if you got 2 +ESCAPE. "Burn Rubber" if you got 0-1 +ESCAPE.
Choice 11
Ruining my wedding day? (No effect)
Risking my life by dragging me into this nightmare? (No effect)
Pretending to be someone you weren't for months? (No effect)
Choice 12
I still can't help but be drawn to you. ( +JOHN/JANE)
I'm just... sad. (No effect)
I feel like I got played. (No effect)
Choice 13
Because I want to know everything. (💎 12)
It's too late. (Walls Up, Go to Choice 14)
Diamond Choice 3
About John/Jane's past. (No effect)
About how he/she got here. (No effect)
About his/her regrets. (No effect)
Whether I meant anything to him/her. (No effect)
You get to choose all of them. This just determines the order.
Diamond Choice 4
Open up. ( +JOHN/JANE)
Feed me a bite? ( +JOHN/JANE)
Diamond Choice 5
This is a fill-in-the-blank choice.
Hmm, I'll bet it's...
Default is "Alex".
"Second Chances"
Choice 14 (Non-diamond)
This is a fill-in-the-blank choice.
Who are you married to?
Default is "Alex".
Chapter Two: With Friends Like These... Choices
Choice 1
Let's all take a deep breath and talk this out. (No effect)
Haven't you ever cared for someone on a mission? (No effect)
You can stop posturing whenever you're ready. (No effect)
Choice 2
Loves me. (+TRUST)
Deserves a chance at having a life of his/her own. (No effect)
Choice 3
You don't even know why you're on these missions? (No effect)
I thought you just said you failed a mission? (No effect)
Choice 4
Let me help you with that. (💎 18)
Then I guess I'll leave you to it. (Beauty Rest)
Diamond Choice 1
Give in to the feeling. ( +ALEX)
Try to push past it. ( +ALEX)
Diamond Choice 2
Three things you can see. ( +ALEX)
Why did the spy cross the road? ( +ALEX)
Diamond Choice 3
Never leaving our room. (No effect)
No tan lines. (No effect)
Being your wife.
"Miss Moving On"
Choice 5
Are you always such a bitch? (No effect)
What's the deal with you and Alex? (No effect)
Choice 6
I never asked for any of this! (No effect)
Grow up. (No effect)
Choice 7
You want to go? Let's go. (💎 15)
The only place I'm going is to bed. (Use Your Words)
Diamond Choice 4
Attack first! (No effect)
Wait and see her fighting style. (No effect)
Diamond Choice 5
Because I'm just getting started. (No effect)
Afraid I'll make you look bad? (No effect)
Somehow, I didn't think you'd back down so easily.
Diamond Choice 6
Swift left hook to the jaw! (No effect)
Low kick to her knee! (No effect)
Feint followed by an uppercut!
Diamond Choice 7
Into my fist! (No effect)
Outside of my fist! (No effect)
"Float Like A Butterfly"
Choice 8
Confide in Alex. (+TRUST, +ALEX)
Lie. ( +ALEX)
Choice 9
Woman in Black (💎 15) (One of Us)
No thanks (Go to Choice 10)
Diamond Choice 8
This is a fill-in-the-blank choice.
What is your cover identity?
Default is "Gale".
Diamond Choice 9
Be frosty. (+STEALTH)
Wink. (+STEALTH)
Choice 10 (Non-diamond)
This is a timed choice.
Stare at him back! (+STEALTH)
Speak nervously. (-STEALTH)
Fidget. (-STEALTH)
If the timer ends, ?
Choice 11
This is a timed choice. The option order is random.
Help Alex fight! (+STEALTH, +TRUST if you have the gun?)
Speed up! (-STEALTH)
Trip! (-STEALTH)
If the timer ends, the third option is selected.
Diamond Choice 10 (if you learned to fight from Lena)
Knees! (No effect)
Neck! (No effect)
Choice 12 (if you didn't learn to fight from Lena)