Whether they are furry, scaly, or full of feathers, mechanical, or out of this world, they are the companions that provide support or a laugh for your characters just as well as extended dialogue or extra scenes for the stories. Most are optional purchases, a few are not.
The Royal Romance, Book 1
Chapter 13

Marabelle's Dream
Before the Royal Hunt, Prince "Liam" offers you the option to purchase the Derby Champion, Marabelle's Dream (💎16). If you choose to, you can change her name. You will also open a scene with Hana, and later win the race to be served first at the feast. For more information about Marabelle's Dream, click here.
The Royal Romance, Book 2
Chapter 7

Before you head to Madeleine's bachelorette party, Maxwell brings a corgi into the train. Bertrand doesn't want it, but you can decide to adopt him yourself (💎15). You have the option to name him. His default name is "Chance" (as suggested by Justin). For more information about the corgi, click here.
You also have the option to adopt (💎12) him in The Royal Heir, Book 1, Chapter 3 before the chapter starts. The tutorial states the purchase is not retroactive.
The Royal Romance, Book 3
Chapter 14

Red Panda Cubs
At your duchy's pre-Lantern Festival festivities, Maxwell surprises you with his housewarming gift of red panda cubs. You have the option to adopt them (💎18) or send them to a conservation. If you adopt them, you can choose their names. The female default name is "Iniya" and the male default name is "Pabu" (as suggested by Hana). Hana says Iniya means 'sweet' and Pabu means 'puffball' in Tibetan. Ezekiel says they are about four months old. The name Pabu, is a reference to a red panda character named Pabu in the American animated series The Legend of Korra. They reappear in Chapter 22, where you can say "goodbye" to them before leaving on your honeymoon.
In Chapter 2 of The Royal Heir, Book 1, if you take the premium choice of going on the zipline with your friends, you run into an ocelot. If you adopted the red panda cubs and you say, "You're the cutest thing I've ever seen!" Hana will question if you think the ocelot is cuter than they are. In Chapter 14, they make their book debut when Madeleine brings you an apple to sooth your morning sickness. They nudge her wanting to get some apples of their own and she promises to send some over if they will not get fur on her.
In The Royal Finale, they appear in Chapter 17.
The Royal Heir, Book 1
Chapter 4

Lady Corgi
Queen Amalas bestows you a gift of a female corgi. If you choose to adopt her (💎 18), you can change her name. Her default name is Lady Lucky. She is featured on the cover of The Royal Heir. For more information on the Lady Corgi, please click here.
Chapter 16
During your baby shower, these two corgi puppies show up. You can choose to adopt them (💎 18) or to find another home for them. They share one character box. The default name for them is Bucky and Daisy. For more information on the puppies, click here.
The Royal Heir, Book 2
Chapter 8

Penelope Ebrim offers you this kitten as a gift to your daughter, as she believes poodles are too high maintenance for someone so young. You can choose to adopt her (💎 18) or not. Her default name is Willow.
She also appears in Chapter 9, 10, 11, 15, 18, 20 and Book 3, Chapters 1, 11, 13, 14, 16 and The Royal Finale, Chapters 1, 5, 12, 13, 17.
Chapter 15

Olivia offers you the Observation Reconnaissance Battlefield-Intel Eye (ORBIE) to help during the Auvernal trip. If you decide to take it (💎 12), you also get to rename it. Its default name is Orbie. Olivia wanted it to be named 'BloodHawk', 'The Raptor', or 'Savage Wolf of the Skies'.
The Royal Heir, Book 3
Chapter 8

Wolf Cub
While in Lythikos, you can choose for your daughter to bond with a wolf cub, to send a message to all the Lythikan doubters. If you decide to (💎 17), your daughter names it "Woof" but you can choose a name yourself. Its default name is Lupa.