The Heir, a character in The Royal Heir series, is your character's child and the Royal Heir to Cordonia. She is first seen in Book 2, Chapter 1. Her default name varies.
You can choose the baby's appearance as well as her clothes.
She is friendly toward almost everyone she just met, except Bradshaw & Isabella Achilles, as she is often seen uncomfortable and scared of their presence and later, the same goes to Barthelemy Beaumont ever since he shows his true colors. She also seems to be able to adapt quickly to spotlight and royal courtly life, a fast learner as seen how she quickly understand whatever her parents ask her to do.
During her first Royal tour, House Theron presented her a bow and arrow, a piece of their heritage as woodworkers and archers; House Ebrim christened a ship in her honor; House Nevrakis performed the traditional dance Song and Dance of Welcome; House Ramsford cast a silver ram mace; and House Amaranth offered a verbatim oath, a promise binding their house forevermore.
At her Anointing of the Heir ceremony performed by Queen Mother Regina, she was escorted by Madeleine and passed through the Arch of Swords held by Penelope, Landon and Emmeline. Kiara crossed her with the royal scepter so that she may be ready to shoulder the station it represents, and Olivia anointed her in apple oil.
At her first birthday party, Olivia gave her a set of wooden knives and Penelope gave her a book of fairy tales. Penelope asks you if your daughter can be her flower girl at her wedding.
When Barthelemy decides to take an emergency of her custody upon learning that her parents attempted to take her away from him to stay with them, Penelope, Ezekiel, Kiara and Olivia often visit her in the Royal Palace to check on her, entertain and comfort her when her parents are away.
Bertrand & Savannah
Bertrand and Savannah often babysit your daughter while You and your spouse are away. Bertrand says her fork etiquette reminds him of your etiquette, but he will do his best to bring her up to proper Cordonian standard. They are also her uncle and aunt if Drake or Maxwell is her father.
Isaac & Lyra
From her birth, she was betrothed to one of Bradshaw and Isabella's children, Isaac or Lyra. Later, it was settled on Isaac, who also had no say and did not want to marry her either. During the Joining of the Thrones ceremony, she booped Isaac on the nose with her baby-sized scepter. Later, in The Royal Heir, Book 2, Chapter 19, after her parents and their friends, with the help from Amalas, successfully reveal the truth about their parentage status, the betrothal is officially annuled.
Royalty from Other Countries
At her first birthday party, Marguerite gave her antique Monegasque heirloom blocks, Eirik gave her a framed picture of a young elephant at a Kenyan wildlife reserve of which she is now the sponsor, and Amalas gave her an educational book.
She and Bartie are friends who often play together. They are also cousins if Drake or Maxwell is her father.
Barthelemy Beaumont
Barthelemy is your daughter's grandfather, either biologically through Maxwell or figuratively due to House Beaumont sponsoring you during the events of The Royal Romance, Books 1 and 2. He uses his ties to her in his usurpation of the throne, and though he publicly tries to win her affections in front of the court and press, your daughter dislikes him from the start, taking her cues from you and your spouse.
Lena Rys
Regardless of whether Lena Rys is "Auntie Lena" or only the "cool armor lady", your daughter likes her from the moment they meet. Although Lena can be harsh and terse with adults, she has a soft spot for children, especially your daughter.
Invitation to Prince Isaac & Princess "Lilly"'s betrothal ball
Knitted Lovey
New Lovey
Baby Food
Slice of birthday cake
Monocan heirloom blocks from Marguerite
Book of fairytales from Penelope
Gift from Barthelemy
Magic Wand at Fairytale Ball Fairy Wand scepter at Vox Nostra Academy
"Future Victim" (Cake)
Ice Sculpture in Vallenheim
She is shown on the covers of The Royal Heir, Book 2, The Royal Heir, Book 3 and The Royal Finale.
The numbering of the character models on the wiki is arbitrary; that is, every player will be given six models to choose from but the models will be labeled differently. In game, the numbering is dependent on which model is chosen for Your Character. The game suggests "Face 1" as the closest to Your Character's model and does not consider the physical aspects of your love interest. The picture on the right depicts "Face 1" corresponding to Your Character's model.
In The Royal Heir, Book 1, Chapter 12, you realize you are pregnant. By the end of Chapter 14, Dr. Ramirez states you are ten weeks pregnant. By Chapter 18's Last Apple Ball, you are eight months pregnant. Due to the events that transpire in Chapter 19, you give birth to your daughter in Book 2, Chapter 1. At approximately 35-36 weeks (instead of full term at 39 weeks), your daughter is considered to be a late preterm baby.
In The Royal Heir, Book 2, Chapter 17, Amalas' dossiers list her last name the same as Your Character's last name and not your spouse's.
The events of The Royal Heir, Book 2 span across your daughter's first year of life. It is noted in Chapter 20 (which covers about nine months of time) that she is almost a year old.
In Book 3, Chapter 1, she celebrates her first birthday. In Chapter 19, months then years pass and she celebrates her third birthday.
She moves from the Nursery into her Playroom when she turns two years old.
Due to the Beaumonts sponsoring your character in The Royal Romance series, your daughter is legally a Beaumont in Cordonia.
She becomes a playable character in The Royal Heir, Book 3, Chapter 9.