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Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Time is just a construct we all created. It's all arbitrary.
— The Evolved

The Evolved, a character in the Bloodbound series, is a vampire cyborg and a member of The Five of Japan. She makes her first official appearance in Book 3, Chapter 9. However, if you collect all the tapestry fragments in Dark Solstice, you can see her in Chapter 4.


The Evolved has light skin, grey short hair, one brown eye and one eye that emits a blue light. She wears a neon futuristic blue outfit and has various wires and circuits on her body.


The Evolved seems to be the calmest among the Five of Japan. She can be described as ambitious, and according to Kamilah, she sees flesh as a prison and has done everything she can to escape it. Per Takeshi, she started replacing her organs with clockwork gears in the late 1800s. She is a brilliant scientist, obsessed with overcoming her mortal form and has spent centuries using her healing powers to enhance her body.



Bloodbound: Dark Solstice

  • Chapter 4: And to All An Endless Night (Determinant)

Book 3

  • Chapter 6: The Legend (Off-Screen; Determinant)
  • Chapter 9: The Five
  • Chapter 11: The Mentor
  • Chapter 12: The Nemesis
  • Chapter 13: The Ally
  • Chapter 16: The Beginning (Determinant)


Your Character:

In Book 3, Chapter 11, if you choose to look into her memories, you find her in an alchemist's lab in 1500s Europe. Her name is revealed to be Artemisia. She shows her father that she has severed four fingers and replaced them with metal digits. In the premium choice in Book 3, Chapter 11, if you choose to allow the Evolved to analyze you, she finds you intriguing as despite being a Bloodkeeper in both human and vampire form, there is nothing special about you.

Gaius Augustine

Gaius is the one who turned her, and she sees her Turning as a gift; The power to transcend death and decay.

The Five of Japan

She's part of The Five of Japan. She along with the rest of the members don't allow unauthorized Turnings. They also handle everything, from top secret government decisions to which potholes need to be filled.

Powers and Abilities

  • Immortality: In Book 1, Chapter 2, Adrian confirms that he does not age. Thus, we can assume the same can be said for The Evolved.
  • Super-Strength: In Book 1, Chapter 2, Adrian confirms that he is strong enough to lift a car. Thus, we can assume the same can be said for The Evolved.
  • Healing Factor: Accelerated healing is an ability that vampires possess that allows them to heal from physical injuries at supernatural speeds. If a vampire uses their blood such as when Adrian was done feeding on Nicole, they can heal the bite mark as well. Thus, we can assume the same can be said for The Evolved.
  • Heightened Senses: In Book 1, Chapter 6, Lily mentions how she can feel the slightest air currents, how she can even see the tiniest pores in Your Character's skin and can hear the water running through the pipes three stories up. Thus, we can assume the same can be said for The Evolved.
  • Laser Blast: In Book 3, Chapter 11, Lily asks if she can shoot lasers with her eyes. The Evolved demonstrates being able to bend her right hand by 90 degrees to expose a metal barrel and shoots a laser blast into a far wall with it.


  • Sunlight: Sunlight is one of vampires' weaknesses. As Adrian stated, sunlight does hurt him and can prove fatal after more than thirty minutes of exposure. It's akin to hypersensitivity; overexposure causes, as Adrian describes it, an accelerated heat stroke. This same weakness can be assumed for The Evolved.
  • Decapitation: Dismembering or manually removing the head of a vampire will result in instant and permanent death.
  • Heart Extraction: Removing and subsequently destroying the heart of a vampire will also result in permanent death.
  • Unquenched Bloodlust: When Adrian first became a vampire, he felt the powerful thirst for blood which no amount of water can relieve. In the brief period where he resisted the urge, Adrian experienced severe discomfort whereby he eventually gave in to his instincts. It is unknown yet how long a vampire can remain thirsty or what the extent of pain is when this need is unmet. In Chapter 4, Jax stated that child vampires are tricky. They don't have self-control to feed on humans without draining them.
  • A Feral's Bite: A bite from a feral vampire is infectious to regular vampires because it can turn them feral too.


Other Looks


  • She has the same facial features as Aiko Nakamura. However, her human form before she replaced her organs with clockwork resembles Felicity Holloway from the Desire and Decorum series.
  • She is first referenced in a premium scene of Book 3, Chapter 6, if you talk to Rheya. It is stated that MC sees her in a vision of the future but she is not shown nor is her name revealed.
  • In a premium scene in Book 3, Chapter 11, she reveals that she has an internal thermal cooling system.
  • In Chapter 13, she reveals she has steel wires in a shoulder compartment, which you use to tie up Gaius.

Memorable Quotes

Artemisia: It falls on me to take action. It falls on me to become divine.

The Evolved: Our existence is the most unfathomably cruel joke imaginable. We are born with the greatest gift of all, a sentient spirit, a life... And yet it remains trapped, inescapably, within these. Loathsome fragile machines of sinew and bone. Weak, rotting, foul. [...] Your cage is gilded, but you remain imprisoned all the same. Your body still sprains, still aches. You still bleed when pricked.

