Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Whether they are furry, scaly, or full of feathers, mechanical, or out of this world, they are the companions that provide support or a laugh for your characters just as well as extended dialogue or extra scenes for the stories. Most are optional purchases, a few are not.

The Elementalists, Book 1

Chapter 4

Familiar - Gorgue


Arylu/Lumian/Gorgue are familiars that were sent to Professor Kontos' Natural Studies class from Companion Breeding Company for Your Character and other Penderghast students like Shreya Mistry to choose. The player can select an Arylu (💎 20), Lumian (💎 20), or Gorgue (free). The default name for the Arylu and Lumian is Butterball, but is customizable. The Gorgue's name is set as "Tim" and cannot be changed. Throughout the two books, you can upgrade your familiar to help you in battle. For more information about the Arylu/Lumian/Gorgue, click here.

The Elementalists, Book 2

Chapter 3


Arylu (second)

When you and your twin, Atlas, go to the late Dean Goeffe's home, you encounter a second Arylu. She was Dean Goeffe's familiar and can be adopted (💎 20) or left in Elise's wrecked home. Her default name is Navi, but is customizable. She is not upgradable. For more information, click here.

The Elementalists: Winters Past

Chapter 2

TEWP Adoptable Ghost Cat
TEWP Adoptable Ghost Cat - full view
TE WP Delune and kavya mistry


When you and your friends are trapped inside the Chateau DeLune, you run across a ghost cat. You have the option of naming her before you decide if you want to welcome her to your team (💎 20); her default name is Pepper. If you do, you earn a clue about the Ghost of Solstice past. Isabella calls the cat "Kitty" and apparently can understand her when she mews.
