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Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

The Brotherhood are a group of corrupt detectives of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in the Ride or Die series. They make their first appearance in Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance, Book 1, Chapter 4, although they are not revealed until Book 1, Chapter 12.

About them

Not much is known about the Brotherhood, apart from the fact that they conduct their business through a single liaison (who is later revealed to be Detective Foley). According to Jason Shaw and Your Character's father, the Brotherhood is responsible for a number of murders of witnesses that were to testify against them. Jason describes them as dangerous. They threaten to hurt Teppei Kaneko and the Mercy Park Crew, unless they do specific jobs for them. These jobs included stealing four cars worth two million dollars total, and destroying a marked antique car because it contained incriminating evidence.

Teppei knew that the Brotherhood was a group of corrupt police officers, but he didn't know which specific officers. He only knew your father had been assigned as lead detective on the MPC case, so he tasked Logan to befriend you and extract information from you. However, since your father is clean, you could only provide little information if you choose to. In Chapter 6, when Teppei decides to resist the Brotherhood's demands, they shoot him in the leg as a warning. The warning is received and Teppei continues to refuse to betray them for fear of losing his business, his crew, as well as his son, Colt's life. Later, Teppei admits the reason he didn't tell his crew that they were dealing with dirty cops was because he couldn't stop them alone.

In an effort to stop the Brotherhood, Colt comes up with a plan - all of which is revealed in Chapter 12. The crew along with Salazar trick the Brotherhood by abducting Detective Foley during a baseball game at Badger stadium, making The Brotherhood believe that Foley betrayed them to the FBI. If you continued to give Jason information about the crew's actions, Jason doesn't believe the "evidence" that the crew planted to frame Foley. If you did not give Jason information, he falls into the crew's trap and decides to silence Foley.

In Chapter 12, the Brotherhood's identity is revealed when Detective Foley flubs the truth in front of you or when you witness Jason murdering Foley. After you and the crew escape them in Chapter 13, a news report reveals that Salazar was found dead, and you assume that it was the Brotherhood's doing. Jason also threatens you to keep his secret, otherwise he would hurt you, your family, and your friends. No matter what you tell him, Jason and the Brotherhood continue to track you and through you, the whereabouts of Logan and Colt. They persuade Mona to betray the crew, but she gives you a head start when chasing you.

In Chapter 15, the Brotherhood is finally taken down when you and the crew devise a plan to have them incriminate themselves on camera. You, Logan, and Colt lure them to Mar Vista Prep High School and Toby and Ximena record them on the school's closed circuit cameras. Detectives Wallace and Hester abandon Jason, but in an effort to salvage the situation, Jason attempts to shoot you. Instead, he shoots Mona who tried to protect you. He runs off, only to be arrested at his home by the FBI. If you persuaded your father to help, he convinced Megan, Jason's wife, to help and they record his confession to his wife in the kitchen. If you kept your father out of it, the FBI tape Jason on their own.


Members Description Status

Jason Shaw

Jason is the leader of The Brotherhood. His actions are determined by your trust in him. If you trusted him and kept him informed, in Book 1, Chapter 12, he tells you that it was thanks to you that he saw through the MPC's plan. Later, he is trapped in the vault with you. If you did not trust him and kept him in the dark, his actions turn murderous. Incarcerated
RODCh04 Other Male Detective

Detective Foley

Detective Foley is a part of Jason's task force as well as the liaison between the Brotherhood and the MPC. The MPC kidnap him in Book 1, Chapter 10 in their plan to get out from under The Brotherhood's control. If you didn't keep Detective Shaw informed of the MPC's plans, he murders Foley, believing him to be a traitor. If you kept Jason informed, he does not stab Foley but Foley flubs and you discover the truth about Jason. Determinant
RODCh04 Male Detective

Detective Wallace

Detective Wallace is a part of Jason's task force. In Book 1, Chapter 12, he is revealed to be a member of the Brotherhood. If you helped Jason, he is shown arresting Mona and Ximena. If you didn't help Jason, he finds you eavesdropping and grabs you, bringing you to Jason. Later, he is trapped in the vault with you. In Book 1, Chapter 15, he rams his car into yours in pursuit. Alive
RODCh04 Female Detective

Detective Hester

Detective Hester is a part of Jason's task force. In Book 1, Chapter 12, she is revealed to be a member of the Brotherhood. If you helped Jason, she is shown arresting Mona and Ximena. If you didn't help Jason, she finds you eavesdropping and grabs you, bringing you to Jason. Later, she is trapped in the vault with you. If you take Mona to prom, Mona surrenders to Detective Hester to give you time to escape. In Book 1, Chapter 15, during the car chase, you smash into her car. Alive


In Book 1, Chapter 14, if you choose her as your prom date, she gives herself up to the Brotherhood to allow you to escape, and tells you she is going to cut a deal with them. If you choose Colt or Logan as your prom date, she already has cut her deal by joining them but helps you and your date escape. In Book 1, Chapter 15, she fires at your tires while you are driving your car. Determinant


Other Looks


  • Foley's character model resembles Russell Thibbs from The Freshman special, Chris: Luxury Getaway.
  • Wallace's character model resembles the waiter of the restaurant you first saw Sybil at from The Heist: Monaco.
  • Hester's character model resembles the female secret service agent from Perfect Match, Book 2, and the guidance counselor from The Elementalists, Book 1.
  • Their crimes include murder, attempted murder, conspiracy, and theft.