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Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
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Taylor Spritz, a character in the Queen B series, is a student at Belvoire University and a potential member for Your Character's Posse. She is first seen in Book 1, Chapter 1, though her name is not revealed until Book 1, Chapter 4.


Taylor has brown eyes, brown hair, and light skin. She wears a pink top and a blue miniskirt.



Queen B

Book 1

  • Chapter 1: Know Your Enemy
  • Chapter 4: Don't Hate the Players
  • Chapter 5: Takers Keepers
  • Chapter 6: Keep Your Enemies Close (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 10: Not Your Hostage (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 11: The Naked Truth
  • Chapter 13: Blackmail and Besties (Determinant)
  • Chapter 14: Designer and Decorum (Determinant)
  • Chapter 15: Cross Your Fingers... (Determinant)
  • Chapter 16: ...And Watch Your Back (Determinant)

Book 2

  • Chapter 1: Enemy At The Gates (Offscreen; Determinant)
  • Chapter 6: Ding Dong, the Witch Ain't Dead
  • Chapter 12: Student of History (Offscreen; Determinant)
  • Chapter 16: Videmus Omnia (Determinant)


Your Character

After you see her being bullied by Poppy on a few occasions, you decide to reach out to her. In Chapter 5, you can help her set up a date with Benedict and recruit her to you posse. If you recruit her, you will learn dirt about Poppy: that she takes detox tea everyday that causes her to have diarrhea. If she doesn't take prescription anti-diarrheal medication, she has "accidents". One time, Taylor wasn't fast enough delivering her medication and Poppy crapped in her pants. Taylor will also look out for you once you recruit her.

If you recruited her, she tells you at the end of the year gala that she purposely ordered the wrong size shoes for Poppy and gave her decaffeinated coffee with breakfast.

Poppy Min-Sinclair

Taylor is Poppy Min-Sinclair's assistant. Because she is a freshman and member of the Zeta sorority, Poppy bosses her around. Poppy treats her poorly and never thanks her for her work. Taylor schedules Poppy's manicures, pays her credit card bills, cleans her room, collects her mail, texts back people that Poppy doesn't want to talk to, drops and picks up her dry cleaning, picks up her prescriptions, and keeps a journal of all her food preferences. Still, Poppy insults and demeans her, which makes Taylor crack under the pressure.

Chloe St. James

Chloe is frustrated with her since she didn't bring her a coffee in Chapter 1. They are part of the Zeta sorority together.


It is revealed in Chapter 5 they both have feelings for each other. They are classmates, having the same Medieval Poetry class on Mondays. Benedict asks her to have frozen yogurt with him, but she declines at first because Poppy demands her attention. If you decide to recruit Taylor, you help her have the date with Benedict and give her plausible deniability on why she didn't rush back home to Zeta sorority. Later, she finds out that they both collect Pocket Creature cards and plan to trade with each other on their next date.


Other Looks


