TJ, a character in the #LoveHacks series, is one of the Main Character's co-workers at ClickIt. He is first seen in Book 1, Chapter 1.
TJ has blue eyes, short, light brown hair, and tan skin. He wears a blue vest over a white t-shirt.
Felix describes him as a very rude person. He also seems to have little to zero respect for women. Apart from that, he thinks of himself as a ladies man. He is unaware that the women he hits on are repulsed by his misogynistic behavior. It's possible that TJ is also a narcissist. His relationship with Main Character shows that he cannot accept no as an answer when she repeatedly rejects him, instead telling her to "wise up" and trusting that she'll "come around".
Book 1
- Chapter 1: This Story Will Change Your Life
- Chapter 7: What The Media Hasn't Told You About Finding A Job
- Chapter 9: 9 Things Only Attractive People Get Away With
- Chapter 12: We Dated Three Guys At One So You Don't Have To!
- Chapter 14: Don't Plot Sabotage Without Reading This First (Determinant)
- Chapter 15: Why Sports Dates Have Us Hooked
- Chapter 16: 16 Secrets For The Perfect Breakup
- Chapter 17: 17 Things Never To Do At A Work Party
- Chapter 18: The Ending Will Blow Your Mind!
Book 2
- Chapter 1: What Happens Next Will Shock You
- Chapter 5: Party Hacks All Millennials Should Know!
- Chapter 10: 10 Surprisingly Foosball Tips
- Chapter 16: 16 Things Teens Don't Want You To Know (Mentioned)
- Chapter 18: This Series Finale Will Have You Shook
High School Story
Book 2
- Chapter 12: Save Me, San Francisco
Main Character
TJ has tried to get the Main Character to date him several times, but she always rejects him to the point where she tells him that he only embarrasses himself for harassing her. He shows up drunk at her apartment, although she never told him where she lives. At the party at the end of Book 1, she tells him that she has made an appointment with HR to talk about the situation and he reveals that he has several friends in HR who gave him her address. She tells him that she wants to file a sexual harassment complaint. She can either give him a piece of mind or let Ben deal with him. In a premium scene later during the party, she can go into more detail in front of potential investors.
Martin is his boss but they are friendly with each other as can be seen when he calls him Marty.
- His outfit has similarities with the outfit worn by Tripp, a character in The Freshman and The Sophomore.
- He has Carter's hair and Logan's appearance.
- He makes a cameo appearance in High School Story, Book 2, Chapter 12.
- He calls classics like Casablanca, Singin' in the Rain, and My Fair Lady "chick flicks". He only considers movies like Scarface to be real classics.