Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

The good, the bad, and the almost irrelevant. They are the miscellaneous characters that are there to answer that one question, explain away that one plot hole, assist in adding development to that actually relevant character, or give that good (or bad) advice. We usually never learn their names. They are there and they are gone as soon as they serve their purpose often never to be seen again. They may not be the most memorable but definitely have a role to play. If the "No Image" picture is used, it means that the particular character has only been mentioned and has never physically appeared.

Save the Date

Chapter 1

SDCh01 Officiant

Officiant (Female)

She is the officiant who presides over Samuel and Alison's wedding. Her character model resembles Bree from Home for the Holidays.

SDCh01 Young Guest

Young Guest

If you decide to make your Maid of Honor speech funny, this guest giggles at Ali's failed marriage in second grade to Jimmy Mathis. When you try to hand her the bouquet after you catch it, she refuses. Her character model resembles Andi Myers from the LoveHacks series.

SDCh01 Female Guest

Female Guest

She wanted to catch the bouquet but you did. Her character model resembles Yvette from the America's Most Eligible series.



He is the bartender at the lounge you visit with Best Man in the premium scene. His character model resembles Carter from the Rules of Engagement series.

SDCh01 Drew


Drew is one of your coworkers at the Concept Events New York office. He thanks you for the nut free cookies. His character model resembles Ezra Mitchell from the High School Story series.

SDCh01 Katie


Katie is one of your coworkers at the Concept Events New York office. She also does photography on the side and lets you borrow her camera if you choose to take a premium picture of Nora and Monica in Chapter 15. Her character model resembles Isabel from the LoveHacks series.

Chapter 2


If you ask Nora and Monica about how they met in this premium scene, a regular theater-goer asks Nora for her autograph and says she has seen all of Nora's shows.

StDch2 waitress


She gives you and Lindsay your menus when you two go to "Miss Maya's House of Burgers" in a premium scene. Her character model resembles Sabrina.



Luna is Alison's dog. Alison asked Simon to take care of her while she is on her honeymoon. She also appears in Chapter 4. In Chapter 8, you discover that she had puppies and that Alison and Simon knew all the time that she was pregnant but kept it from you as a surprise. You are able to adopt one of the puppies.

Her character model resembles the dog from the High School Story: Class Act series.

SDCh03 Bitsy


First mentioned here, she is the one who ran away with Dale. She makes an appearance in Chapter 3 where it is revealed that they are getting married. She also appears in Chapter 4 and in Chapter 5 according to the preview. She resembles Whitney from America's Most Eligible.

SDCh02 Bulldog


If you join Simon and Luna at the dog park (premium scene), this is one of the dogs playing about.

SDCh02 Pug


The little pug is about to plop himself down in a puddle of mud when you see him.

SDCh02 Dog Owner

Dog Owner

She starts warning Pugsworth away from playing in the dirt, but alas, Pugsworth starts rolling around in it before she can finish her sentence. She shares the same character model with Ms. Robertson from The Elementalists, Book 1, Chapter 1.

SDCh02 Frankie


As you explain to Simon when Frankie comes bouncing up to you, the collie belongs to one of the park attendants and is at the dog park most of the time.

Chapter 3

SDCh03 Janet


Janet is Allegra's mother. She is a classically trained musician who raised Allegra on her own. She says she won't attend her daughter's wedding after a fight with Sid about whether or not he will be playing at the wedding. However, you can change Janet's mind if you visit her with Allegra and Sid in a premium scene. Her character model resembles Adelaide Amaranth from The Royal Romance series.

SDCh03 Guest


She is a guest at Allegra's and Sid's wedding. She resembles Fatima Alinejad from the America's Most Eligible series.

Chapter 4


Officiant (Male)

The officiant was intended to perform your wedding before Bitsy convinced Dale to leave you at the altar. His character model resembles Charles Shepard from Home for the Holidays.

SDCh04 Wedding guest

Wedding Guest

When Dale is unhelpful during Bitsy's interruption, you imagine how it could have gone and this wedding guest boos Bitsy and tells her to get out. His character model resembles the clubgoer on America's Most Eligible: Season 10.



The guards appear if you imagine that you had Bitsy thrown out of the chapel during your wedding flashback. They resemble the Eros Guards.

SDCh04 Customer


He demands to be seated even though he doesn't have a reservation. You can make him leave by telling him his Porsche is about to get towed. His character model resembles John from Perfect Match, Book 2 and Rick Bauman from Red Carpet Diaries, Book 1.



She thanks you for taking care of the angry rich customer and tells you that you can book a smaller room for up to 20 people for the bridal shower. She resembles Jane.  While you host Nora's bridal shower, she is also hosting Dale and Bitsy's wedding, and is sometimes forced to play the intermediary between the two parties, although she is very apologetic towards you.

SDCh04 Jenny


Jenny is one of Nora's co-stars. She tells you about Nora's favorite food (cheese pizza) and, if you ask what Nora hates, that she is sure Nora despises centipedes. She also says Nora has a fear of spiders. She appears in Chapter 5 and gives Nora an espresso machine as her bridal shower gift.

In Chapter 10, Nora kisses her on the cheek which results in Monica becoming jealous and them having a fight later in your car. They both make you stop the car and let them out, stomping off in opposite directions.

Chapter 5

SDCh05 Carrie


She comes to the shower to deliver her gift, but Nora convinces her to stay even though she knows her son, Lucas, can be a handful. Her character model resembles Bridget Zhou. She also appears in Chapter 12 to help bring back together Monica and Nora.

SDCh05 Lucas


On top of being in charge of the bridal shower, now you need to babysit Lucas and make sure he doesn't cause trouble. However, this turns out to be a futile effort as Lucas becomes entranced by Bitsy's gown and interrupts her wedding to Dale. His character model resembles Jiro and Jack, and he shares the same forename as Lucas Thomas from the It Lives series.

SDCh05 Guest


He is another guest at Nora's bridal shower. His character model resembles Simon Zilberg.

Chapter 6

SDCh06 Waiter


If you decide to take Simon to a premium restaurant, the waiter takes your order. His character model resembles Daniel.

Chapter 7

SDCh07 - Dan


Dan is part of either Arnold's or Edith's family. He resembles Wes Porter and shares the same first name as Dan Pierce.

SDCh07 - David


David is Edith's great-nephew. If you decide to search for the time capsule, he accompanies you on the trek. If Arnold and Edith attend the opening of your business, Arnold mentions that David will be attending Langston College, the same college as Your Character from Ride or Die.

He resembles Clint and shares the same first name as David Reyes.

SDCh07 - Hayley


Hayley is Arnold's granddaughter. She resembles Brooklynne Shao-Oakley and shares the same first name as Hayley Rose and Hayley.

SDCh07 - Craig


If you decide to search for the time capsule, David tells you that Craig should know where it is because he's the janitor that knows everything. Craig makes you answer a riddle and directs you to the hidden location of said capsule. His character model resembles Arnold Northmun and shares the same first name as Craig Hsiao and Craig.

SDCh07 - Beverly


She is one of the wedding guests and tells you that she has been friends with Edith for a long time. She is also a potential dance partner for Your Character. She resembles Elena Vo from the Bloodbound series.

SDCh07 - Eric


Eric is a friend of Best Man. They used to work at the store together when Best Man was in high school and Eric was in college. Eric notices that you seem like the kind of girl Best Man was into in high school. His character model resembles Charles Shepard from Home for the Holidays.

SDCh07 - Mara


At WedCon, it is your task to do some networking by impressing some vendors. She is the first one. She bakes wedding cakes. Her character model resembles the R.A. from The Elementalists, Book 1 and June from Wishful Thinking, and shares the same first name as Mara.

SDCh07 - Carmen


The second vendor to impress is Carmen from the Rules of Engagement series. Like in that series, she remains a wedding planner and full of energy. For more information on Carmen, click here.

SDCh07 - Hank


Hank is the third and last vendor to impress. He sells wedding rings that are handcrafted and unique. He resembles the rude gamer from The Senior and shares the same first name as Hank Hatora.

SDCh07 - Ana De Luca

Ana De Luca

Ana De Luca also makes a cameo appearance. She is Lyndsay's idol. You can encourage her to talk to Ana in a premium scene. Lindsay mentions her work for Your Character (The Royal Romance)'s wedding. For more information on Ana, click here.

Chapter 8

SDCh08 Teresa v1
SDCh08 Teresa v2


First noted as the "Blonde Model", she asks you if this is your first time modeling... because it shows. Her character model resembles Ingrid Delaney if you are wearing the bridesmaid dress, and Marguerite if you are wearing the premium wedding dress.

SDCh08 Brunette Model v1
SDCh08 Brunette Model v2

Brunette Model

The brunette model scolds Teresa for being mean to you. She tells you it is because Teresa is jealous of your dress if you decide to wear Lindsay's premium bridal dress, or because she's sour about not getting to wear a wedding dress if you don't. Her character model resembles Vanessa Kingsley if you are wearing the bridesmaid dress, and Kassidy Marquez if you are wearing the premium wedding dress.

SDCh08 Audience Member

Audience Member

This audience member likes your poise if you wear the premium wedding dress. Otherwise, she will comment it's not bad. Her character model resembles Aiyana Midthunder.

SDCh08 Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn Liao

She is first titled the "Woman" in the audience if you wear the premium dress. She exclaims that she needs that dress more than she has needed anything in her life. She comes to see you and Lindsay backstage and introduces herself. She says her future wife is going to flip when she sees her in that dress. For more information on Kaitlyn, click here.

SDCh08 Photographer


If you purchase the dress, the photographer wants to take a picture of you in it backstage. He says he can't make any promises but he would love the photo to be featured in the New York Daily Register. When you mention Simon's name, he promises to do his best to get it featured. If you don't wear the premium outfit, he will only say he likes it.

In Chapter 14, Simon introduces him as his co-worker Cody. In free path, it is not mentioned if you recognize each other. If you had bought the dress previously, he will remember you. He resembles Samir Abdeen from The Royal Heir, Book 1.

SDCh08 First Puppy
SDCh08 Second Puppy


When you go over to Sam and Ali's apartment, you see that Luna had puppies. You see First Puppy, Second Puppy, and Third Puppy. Third Puppy opens her eyes when she hears you and automatically reaches for you. Ali gives you the choice to adopt her. They also ask Simon if he'd like a puppy but he refuses because his apartment doesn't allow pets.

Chapter 9

SDCh09 Riker

William T. Riker

Riker (short for William T. Riker) is the hawk of Rania and Phil. He first tries to steal Your Character's keys and later manages to steal the wedding ring right during the ceremony. He shares the same name as William T. Riker from Star Trek: The Next Generation. He resembles The Hawk.

SDCh09 Otter


If you go to the Zoo Brew with Simon, you two first stop at the otter habitat.

SDCh09 Tiger


Next, you and Simon visit the tiger habitat and see a white tiger.

SDCH09 Monkey


Last, you and Simon visit the monkey enclosure where Simon has a "conversation" with the monkey.

SDCh09 Visitor


She leaves together with an unseen man named Rodney if you tell the zoo visitors that there's free food elsewhere, or if you tell her that there is a cobra loose in the area. Her character model resembles Candy Crenshaw from Red Carpet Diaries, Book 2.

SDCh09 Officiant


She officiates but is scared of big cats - therefore it's not easy for her to stand close to the panthers during the ceremony. You can tell everyone to rotate 45 degrees so that she can pretend the panthers are not there. If you don't help Rania and Phil get the ring back, the officiant will help them out with a different ring. She resembles Martha and Mindy Wales.

Stdch9 visitor

Zoo Visitor (Edgar Lucas)

If you decide to pursue Riker, you barrel past Edgar Lucas. For more information on Edgar, click here.

Stdch9 worker

Zoo Worker

If you decide to pursue Riker, a zoo worker pulls out a wheelbarrow in your path. You can vault over it if you wish. His character model resembles the construction worker in Bloodbound, Book 1, and Jackson Walker.

Chapter 10

SDCh10 Florist


She recommends three different kinds of bouquets of which you can choose one. Nora will take the bouquet you choose. She resembles the dog owner from Chapter 2.

SDCh10 Booth Manager

Booth Manager

She compliments you if you get a perfect score at the axe-throwing, saying you're the best axe thrower she has seen all summer. She resembles a version of Mary from the Desire & Decorum series.

SDCh10 Cathrine


Catherine is the common friend of Tristan and Zeke and the maid of honor. Unfortunately, she has been arrested because she had a sword in her car. You only get to see her if you take the premium scene to talk to Officer Garfield. Her character model resembles Sierra from the America's Most Eligible series.

SDCh10 Town Crier

Town Crier

He tells everyone that the wedding begins in an hour. He resembles the Vescovi herald from The Royal Masquerade.

SDCh10 Guest


All he says is "Huzzah!" He resembles Ezra Harper from Desire & Decorum, Book 3.

Stdch10 madame misty

Madame Misty

If you wear the premium renfare costume, Madame Misty gives you a vague reading about your future. Her character model resembles Locusta from A Courtesan of Rome.

SDCh10 Officer Garfield

Officer Harold Garfield

According to the town crier, he hates the Renaissance festival and is likely the one who arrested Catherine. You offer to talk to him in a premium scene. If you do, you learn from Catherine that he has been patrolling the fairgrounds obsessively for the past six years. He also scares off customers from the blacksmiths. His character model resembles a version of Dad (Ride or Die).

SDCh10 Shelby


Shelby is Officer Garfield's six-year-old daughter. He is afraid of her getting hurt at the Renaissance faire. You can persuade Catherine to teach her how to defend herself and Catherine agrees to make her a shield. Her character model resembles Lydia from Desire & Decorum, Book 2.

SDCh10 Laura


Laura is Shelby's mother and Harold's wife. She says that Shelby is very bright and encourages her to go to the ren faire. Her character model resembles the Female Servant from A Courtesan of Rome.

Chapter 11

SDCh11 Driver


He calls to you when you stand on the street as he wants to drive on. He resembles Peter Graves from The Heist: Monaco.



If you decide to tell Alison about the time Ed tried to set you up with his nephew, you tell her it that it happened two months after Dale left you at the altar. Ed was complaining that you were moping and whining and wanted to set you up with Chad. Chad was the president of his Rho Lambda Epsilon chapter before they were disbanded for keeping illegal exotic pets in their house. Ed said that makes Chad an animal lover.

SDCh11 Celia


You discover that Ed accidentally saved one of his dates with a leggy girl into your planner. Alison and you can decide if you want to sabotage their date in three premium scenes. Her name is not revealed in the free path. If you decide to mess with Ed's online dating profile, you chat with her and find out her name is Celia, who later meets up with Ed on a date. Her character model resembles Kristin Jones from Nightbound.

SDCh11 Scott


At their date, Scott is the bartender. When he comes over to Ed and Celia, sparks fly between him and Celia. His character model resembles Isaac Collins from LoveHacks, Book 2.

SDCh11 Lizzie


If you decide to order pizzas to prank Ed, Lizzie is a waitress at a nearby pizza shop. Her character model resembles Heze from Across the Void.

SDCh11 Ted


If you decide to ruin Ed's dry cleaning, Ted is the clerk at the dry cleaners. He gives you Ed's dry cleaning because he has met Ed and knows his personality. His character model resembles a version of Mr. Silva from the High School Story: Class Act series.

Stdch11 stranger
Stdch11 stranger2

Couple at the food truck festival

In a premium scene when you go with Best Man to a food truck festival, he points them out to you. They were holding hands and talking by one of the trucks. You think they somehow make pondering the menu together look romantic. The two of you agree that they've probably been together for about three years, and they're thinking about tying the knot soon. The woman's character model resembles Samira Yazdi. The man's character model resembles Russell Thibbs.

Chapter 12

SDCh12 Andrew


Andrew is Nora's director. He resembles Omar.

SDCh12 Alex


Alex is the sound tech. She resembles Ximena.

SDCh12 Ryan


Ryan is Monica's patient. Even though you, Best Man, Nora, and her cast and crew are delaying his therapy session, he encourages Monica to hear you all out. He resembles a version of Stephen.

SDCh12 Customer (1)

Customer 1

She is one of three customers who enter Lindsay's boutique together and quote from Simon's article. She resembles Riya.

SDCh12 Customer (2)

Customer 2

She also reads Simon's article out loud. She resembles Audrey.

SDCh12 Customer (3)

Customer 3

She tells you that Simon's article is hysterical in a good way.

SDCh12 Driver


If you decide to go on a carriage ride with one of your love interests or friends, Tony is your driver. His character model resembles Ezekiel Theron from The Royal Romance series.

SDCh12 Horse


The horse that pulls your carriage is a dapple gray horse.

SDCh12 Girl aka Ashley


Credited as Girl, Christina tells you her name. She thinks you are a wedding crasher. She resembles young Savannah Walker.

SDCh12 Ellie


Ellie is one of Chrisina's daughters. She asks you about make-up and resembles Valerie from The Royal Romance series.

SDCh12 Ethan


He is Ken's son and resembles Simon Waverley in the version of... from Desire & Decorum.

SDCh12 Grace


She is Christina's 15-year-old daughter. In a premium scene, you can help improve her relationship with her stepfather. She resembles Natalie.

SDCh12 Photographer

Photographer (2)

He takes the photo of Christina and Ken together with their children Ashley, Grace, Ellie, and Ethan. You only get to see it if you took the premium scene. He resembles Logan Mills.

Chapter 13

SDCh13 Barista


You meet her if you visit the "Words of a Feather" bookstore (premium scene). She resembles Samira Yazdi.

SDCh13 Margaret


She is Nora's cousin once removed. In Chapter 14, she tells you she has a boyfriend and will let you know in case she can get him to commit so that you can plan their wedding. She resembles Miranda Moreau from The Heist: Monaco and shares the same first name as Margaret Sterling and Margaret Blake

SDCh13 Mr Mercado

Mr. Mercado

He is the father of Nora and Best Man. His character model resembles Tino Thompson from Veil of Secrets.

SDCh13 Mr Simmons

Mr. Simmons

He is Monica's father. His character model resembles an older version of Heathcliff from Sunkissed.

SDCh13 Mrs Mercado

Mrs. Mercado

She is the mother of Nora and Best Man. Her character model resembles Bianca Walker from The Royal Heir series.

SDCh13 Morgan


She and Margaret discuss how to build a computer out of dominoes, when she jokes that her personal goal is to figure out how to get the dominoes to run Minecraft. Her character model resembles Alexis from Sunkissed. She shares the same first name as Morgan Jennings from the High School Story series.

SDCh13 Clubgoer


She resembles Apricott Persimmon from Red Carpet Diaries, Book 2.


Mr. DJ

He resembles Julian Castillo from the High School Story series.

SDCh13 Happy Girl

Happy-Looking Girl

The nicest person in the club looks like she might also be the drunkest. Her character model resembles Teagan.

SDCh13 Guy At The Bar

Guy (Alone) at the Bar

He resembles Logan from The Freshman series.

SDCh13 Girlfriend


She is the girlfriend of Guy at the Bar. She resembles Madeleine from The Royal Romance series.

SDCh13 Bouncer


First, the bouncer tells you that the section you want to go to is reserved for VIPs only. Later, he suggests going to his wife's bakery because it's open late and she'd be willing to help a good cause. His character model resembles Keo Parata from the LoveHacks series.

SDCh13 Bachelorette


When you finally get to her at the club, she thinks you are George's sister and wants to make out with you. Her character model resembles Alyssa Griffin.

Stdch13 friend


She is the bachelorette's friend who tells you that they smashed the cake that they were sent. Unfortunately for you, that means you need a wedding cake as soon as possible. Her character model resembles Lina from the America's Most Eligible series.

SDCh13 Stripper


He appears just at the moment you say you want to leave before the strippers come. Although he is not referred to by his name on Bachelorette Party, based on the personality and job of this miscellaneous character, we have surmised that he's Frank. For more information on Frank, click here.

SDCh13 Baker


She is the Bouncer's wife and resembles Mira Banerji from the Rules of Engagement series.

Chapter 14

SDCh14 Taylor


She resembles Gabriela Vasquez.

SDCh14 Hotel Worker

Hotel Worker

He helps you set up the ballroom for the wedding, asking if you want the arch on stage or in front of it. He resembles Daniel.

SDCh14 Mary


Mary is the flower girl. She is not wearing her dress yet because her mother doesn't want her to stain the dress with lunch beforehand. Her character model resembles AJ Powell.

SDCh14 Jason


He is the ring bearer. His character model resembles young Nik Ryder (face 2).
