Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Samantha Winters, a character in the Veil of Secrets book, is a judge. She makes her first appearance in Chapter 11.


Judge Winters has gray hair tied in a bun, brown eyes, and dark skin. She wears a black judge's robes with a white collar.


Judge Winters is a stern yet fair judge, taking all testimonies into account. Despite Mac Hornby's attempts to twist the trial in his favor, she rejects his testimonies. Nevertheless, she also denies bail to Kate because of the severity of the accusations against her and the evidence presented to her.


Veil of Secrets[]

Veil of Secrets[]

  • Chapter 11: Lawful Good
  • Chapter 12: The Kraken
  • Chapter 13: Under the Bed
  • Chapter 16: All's Well That Ends... (Mentioned)

The Senior[]

The Senior[]

  • Chapter 6: We Are The Champions


Eleanor Harlenay[]

In Veil of Secrets, Eleanor mentions Judge Winters is her wife to you. In The Senior, Judge Winters doesn't mention her wife by name but offers you and Becca her tickets to the Northbridge Law's Barristers' Ball because she and Eleanor are flying back to Birchport that night.

Becca Davenport[]

In The Senior, Judge Winters is impressed by Becca during the Mock Trial. She encourages her to apply to her alma mater, Howg University, and if Becca decides to go, she will write her a letter of recommendation.

