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Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Roselyn Sinclaire, a character in Desire & Decorum series, is the late wife of Ernest Sinclaire. Although she is first mentioned in Chapter 6, she is first seen in Book 1, Chapter 11.


Roselyn had green eyes, blonde hair which she kept in a bun with a cascading lock falling across her shoulder, and fair skin. She wore a light blue dress.


Not much is known about Roselyn's personality as all accounts are through Ernest's eyes. According to him, she only married him for his wealth and not for love. She also had cheated on him with Duke Richards for approximately a year.

Before she died, she asked Ernest to look after Percival. When Ernest promised her he would, she stated she didn't deserve him, possibly showing remorse for what she had done.


Desire & Decorum

Book 1

  • Chapter 6: An Intimate Affair (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 11: The Clock Runs Out (Determinant)

Book 3

  • Chapter 8: The Price of the Past (Mentioned; Physical Appearance Determinant)
  • Chapter 12: Tower of Terror (Mentioned; Determinant)
  • Chapter 16: A Joyous Union (Mentioned)


Ernest Sinclaire

Roselyn was Mr. Sinclaire's wife approximately six years ago. At that time, she had an affair with Duke Richards and when Mr. Sinclaire discovered it, he threw her out of their house. According to him, she just married him for money and not for love. He didn't forgive her for her betrayal but he couldn't turn her away when she returned to his doorstep with nowhere to go. He states in his experience that having a large estate helps in that they were rarely forced to interact with each other. If you ask him if he still loves Roselyn, he tells you that he doesn't because someone else has made him see what his heart longed for. Because Roselyn still has living relatives, he didn't want to sully her name and by extension, their reputation by telling the truth about what happened.

Duke Richards

Six years ago, Mr. Sinclaire discovered the Duke having intimate relations with his wife. They had been having an ongoing affair for a year. When she found she was pregnant with his child, she tried to seek support with the Duke, but he refused to acknowledge her.

Percival Richards

After Mr. Sinclaire took her back, Roselyn delivered her son and named him, Percival. Mrs. O'Malley was her midwife during her delivery, and told Mr. Sinclaire that Roselyn was not going to survive. As a last wish, Roselyn asked Mr. Sinclaire to promise her that the baby will be taken care of. Her last words were "Mon bebe... Je t'aime..." (My baby... I love you...). When Duke Richards would have nothing to do with the child, Mr. Sinclaire vowed to raise the boy as his own. However, Roselyn's brother contacted him and asked for custody of Percival, which Mr. Sinclaire gave.


  • Her character model is used as a newly-Turned vampire in Bloodbound, Book 1, and shares the same likeliness as Viscountess Lavinia.
  • The surname Sinclaire is of French and English origin, which means "Saint Clare". Saint Clare of Assisi (a city in Italy) is the patron saint of eye disease, goldsmiths, laundry, television, good weather and needleworkers. 