Robert, a character from the Distant Shores book, was a crew member of the Revenge. He is first seen in Chapter 1.
Robert has tanned skin, black long hair and a small beard. He wears a navy blue jacket, a green vest with a white shirt and a golden necklace. He also wears a brown leather holster on his shoulder.
Robert is a man whose number one priority is himself. Although he can be charismatic yet ruthless and win over allies and crew, he looks out for himself. He finds small talk "pedestrian", and though he says he wasn't always a pirate, he loves the freedom and excitement that comes with being one.
When you discover that he is from the future like you, his main concern is not to "fix time" or repair the wrongs that had been done. His desire is to return to the past and live his life there no matter the consequences.
Before Robert became a pirate, he was an upstanding member of society. He states that nothing about his old life will ever compare to the adventure and freedom of sailing the seas. Piracy had always fascinated him ever since he was a young child.
Before he joined the Revenge, he had his own ship and crew. He and his crew joined Edward's crew when a common enemy of theirs sunk his ship.
Distant Shores
Distant Shores
- Chapter 1: Swept Away
- Chapter 2: A Pirate's Life
- Chapter 3: Live By the Sword
- Chapter 4: Mutiny on the Revenge
- Chapter 5: Changing Course (Mentioned; Determinant)
- Chapter 9: Battle Lines (Mentioned)
- Chapter 11: Wreckage
- Chapter 12: Enemy of My Enemy
- Chapter 13: Friendly Fire
- Chapter 14: Dance of Death
- Chapter 15: Race Against Time
- Chapter 16: The End is the Beginning
Charlie Smith
Charlie was a member of Robert's crew before they joined the Revenge. She tells him that he lost his right to dictate what happens on the Revenge in accordance to the Code. He believes Charlie is a damn good quartermaster and an asset to any crew she is on. She is the kind of person he wants to owe him a favor; and you liken their relationship to one of an estranged uncle and niece. In Chapter 11, Charlie offers to join his crew if he helps your cause. However, when he betrays your crew, the offer to him is rescinded.
Edward Mortemer
On Edward's ship, Robert was first mate until he led a failed mutiny on board. In Chapter 12, if you decide to accompany Robert, he tells you that he thinks Edward is a fine leader but that in the dangerous profession of piracy, he needs to be more than 'fine'. Robert thinks Edward no longer has the cutthroat nature needed to be a good pirate captain.
Your Character
Robert has a hostile relationship with you given that he immediately accuses you of either being a Witch or a spy for the Royal Navy. During your pirate trial, he attempts to persuade the crew that you "enchanted" Edward. When you see a time rift and call out for Steve, your agent, Robert overhears you and tells Edward that you must be daft. At the end of Chapter 2, you overhear him conspiring to stage a mutiny against Edward and overthrow him as the Captain. You can choose to warn Edward in a premium scene.
After the failed mutiny, you lose track of Robert until Chapter 11 where you seek to find him and ask him to help you rescue Edward from the Admiral's ship. He has been making berth in St. Sylvain for a few weeks, and is about to set sail on a ship he and his crew recently acquired. When you find him at the inn, you can choose to beat him at cards or persuade him a different way, but both result in his begrudging agreement. He tells you that he may never like you, but he respects your wits and your courage. However, after you rescue Edward, Robert and his crew betray you once again. He states that the Admiral has given him better incentive.
In Chapter 14, when you see the compass glow in his hand, you jump to the conclusion that Robert is also a time traveller. In Chapter 16, after seeing Francis Cochrane run him through with a sword, you can either say that Robert didn't deserve to die or that you wanted to do that yourself. At the end of the chapter, you find he is alive in present time and the two of you team up to get the compass back in order to travel back in time.
Admiral Cochrane
In Chapter 12, you discover that Robert is in league with Admiral Cochrane. When they find the compass that you buried, they leave you and the crew behind in a collapsed cave. However, in Chapter 14, Admiral Cochrane betrays Robert and frames him for the murder of Governor Smith. In Chapter 16, while Francis wants to destroy the compass, Robert wants to destroy the portal. He does not wish to return to his time period and wants to stay in the 18th century. During the ensuing battle, Francis runs Robert through with a sword and throws him into the portal, but when you return to your time period, you find that Robert is alive and well.
Other looks
- He shares the same name as Robert Tennyson from Perfect Match, Book 1, Robbie Sutcliffe from It Lives Beneath and Robert Gunderson from Open Heart: Second Year.
- In Chapter 11, it is revealed that he has a new ship called The Damnation.
- In Chapter 14, it is revealed he is also a time traveler.