Richard, a character in the Surrender series, is Attorney's father. He is first seen in Book 2, Chapter 7, although he can be appear for the first time in Book 1, Chapter 6.
Richard's appearance depends on the model chosen for Attorney. He wears a red jacket over a gray stripped shirt.
Richard is usually aloof. According to Attorney he can turn a whole room to ice with his expression, and he only cares for money. As a parent Richard is very cold and indifferent, and as a person, he's very greedy and hypocritical. He also always wants to win, no matter the cost.
Book 1
- Chapter 6: The Answer (Mentioned; Physical Appearance Determinant)
- Chapter 12: Consequences (Mentioned)
- Chapter 16: Blood Ties (Mentioned)
- Chapter 18: Rock Bottom (Mentioned)
Book 2
- Chapter 4: Laying Down the Law (Mentioned)
- Chapter 7: Patience
- Chapter 8: The Patriarch
- Chapter 9: The Investigation (Mentioned)
- Chapter 16: Walking Away (Mentioned)
- Chapter 17: Sin City (Mentioned; Determinant)
- Chapter 18: Submission (Mentioned)
- Chapter 19: Control (Mentioned)
Attorney and Richard have a bad relationship, and according to him/her, Richard is the worst kind of man in the world. If Attorney decides to accompany Reese back home in Book 1, Chapter 6, and stand up to her, Richard gets angry at him/her for bailing Reese out trouble when he expressly told Attorney not to. In Book 2, Chapter 7, he shows up at Attorney's house, saying that he came to visit his son/daughter.
Richard and Reese have a bad relationship. When Reese is arrested, she mentions that he and the rest of the family are too busy with their petty feuds to care what she's doing, and that Richard even had the nerve to tell her that she's giving the family a bad name. Reese also says that Richard believes that Reese's friends are a bad influence, which is why he doesn't allow them to come over to their house.
Richard's break-up with Attorney's mother was hard on the latter, and according to Reese, Richard sucked the joy she was feeling right out of her. When he and his wife broke up, he destroyed her financially, emotionally, and left her with nothing, including not even a roof over her head or a way to rebuild her life. He also told the court that she wasn't capable of taking care of Attorney, and for this exact reason, Attorney became a divorce lawyer so that no one goes through the same thing again.
Other Looks
- He shares the same name as Richard Sutcliffe from It Lives Beneath, Richard Roberts from Ms. Match, and Richard Strickler from Rising Tides.
- If default surname is kept, he shares the same last name as Trystan Thorne and Marguerite Thorne from Crimes of Passion.
- His character models 1 and 3 resemble Jebediah Covington from Baby Bump, Book 2 and model face 2 resemble Professor Englund from The Elementalists series.
- His crime is fraud.