Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Ricci & Associates is a new law firm in the United States. It was founded recently by Gabe Ricci, and its headquarters are in New York City.


After you and Aislinn decide to resign from McGraw Byrne, Gabe tenders his resignation as well and invites you to join him in his new firm, called Ricci & Associates. Aislinn's cousin Keiji provides you with the building, and you have the choice to decide between premium offices or the free ones.

Notable Staff

Founding Partners

Senior Partners

Recruitable Associates

# Name Image Description Chapter recruitable Requirement
1 Lucy McReady/Daniel Fong LOA BK2 Ch3 LucyLOA BK2 Ch3 Daniel You can choose one of them as your first employee. 3 💎 18 (Lucy)
None (Daniel)
2 Gigi Sinclair LOA Gigi You can sway her over from McGraw Byrne to be your entertainment law expert. 5 💎 18
3 Lina Reyes LOA Ch3 Lina You run into her at the judicial gala and have to convince her regarding the firm's reliability. 7 Right choices in Chapter 7
4 Reggie Whitman LOA Ch16 Reggie You attend an improv class with him and convince him that McGraw Byrne isn't the same anymore. 9 💎 18
5 Linda Phillips LOA Ch16 Linda You can sway her over during Calvin Colby's yacht party by playing shuffleboard with her. 11 💎 18
6 Beau McGraw LOA Beau You can go with him to witness a meeting between Calvin Colby and a mysterious individual at an underpass in Central Park. 14 None

Junior Partners

Other Staff

  • Luka (Gabe's Assistant; Determinant)
  • Ilona (Paralegal)

Notable Clients

Short-Term Clients

Long-Term Clients






  • Total cost to recruit all associates is 💎 54 (if you recruited Daniel) or 💎 72 (if you recruited Lucy).
  • The player can spend 💎 15 to go with Beau and gain a clue, which will result in his hiring. However, the scene is optional and Beau will be hired even if it isn't taken.
  • If you have recruited all the available characters to the firm, Gabe decides to promote you and Aislinn to co-founders, and rename the firm to Ricci, Michaels & Tanaka.