Reena, a character in The Royal Heir series, is the former Queen of Rivala. She later becomes one of the candidates for Queen of Auvernal. She is first seen in The Royal Heir, Book 2, Chapter 12.
Reena has brown eyes, shoulder-length wavy brown hair, and tan skin. She wears a mauve tweed top, and matching dangling earrings.
Reena appears warm and personable.
The Royal Heir
Book 2
- Chapter 12: The Show Must Go On
The Royal Finale
- Chapter 6: The Comeback Queen
- Chapter 7: Another Mask on the Wall (Mentioned; Determinant)
- Chapter 9: Highs and Lows (Mentioned)
- Chapter 11: Face-Off
- Chapter 12: When Worlds Collide (Determinant)
- Chapter 15: To Wield the Sword (Mentioned; Determinant)
Bradshaw & Isabella Achilles
Two years ago, Bradshaw and Isabella came to Rivala to propose an alliance with her, which includes a betrothal between her daughter and their son. She accepted, and as part of the proceedings, she had her doctor perform a routine medical exam on the twins. Before she could see the results, Bradshaw and Isabella seized them. She refused the alliance, so they enacted "Operation Swan", in which their troops occupied Rivala, and she had no choice but to accept the proposal to avoid war.
When Bradshaw and Isabella's illegal siege of Rivala comes into light, the Royal Council brings Reena and Margot to witness the hearing. If Isabella tries to plead with Reena when the former is stripped of her crown, Reena tells her that it is what Isabella deserves and she should be punished for her actions. When you talk to Reena, she promises you that if you choose her to become the next Queen of Auvernal, that she will prosecute Bradshaw and Isabella for their crimes against Rivala and Cordonia.
Via Imperii
In Finale, Chapter 6, Reena tells you and your friends that The Voice approached her while she was in exile, wanting to expose publicly what Bradshaw and Isabella did to annex Rivala into Auvernal. Reena is grateful to the Via Imperii for their help, but as Margot states and Eirik confirms, Reena is a minor player within the Via Imperii. In Chapter 11, she is one of the candidates to become the new "Face" when Eirik is arrested.
Your Character and friends
You and your friends first meet her in Los Angeles, where she requested to meet Maxwell Beaumont. She is a big fan of his writing, and wants him to write about what had happened between her and Bradshaw and Isabella. In Finale, Chapter 6, she apologizes to Maxwell for not waiting for his novelization about the events and instead going with The Voice's exposé.
You have the choice to make her Auvernal's new queen, or to choose Margot instead. If you choose her, Eirik is not pleased. If you choose Margot instead, she is sad and disappointed and in Chapter 11, she becomes the person you must convince to support you in becoming the new Face. You can appeal to her by being benevolent, offering her a position as one of the Face's diplomats - a higher international position than the Queen of Auvernal, or by being ambitious and threatening her with a demotion to becoming Margot's assistant. If you choose the latter, she doesn't believe you have that much power. You convince her that if you had the power to choose the next Queen of Auvernal while you were only an entry-level Via Imperii member, you have more power than she realizes. Either way, she agrees to support you in the last challenge of the Trial of Masks.
- Her character model resembles Brenda Silva from the High School Story: Class Act series.
- Her claim to the Auvernese throne comes from a clause Bradshaw and Isabella left when they annexed Rivala placing the Rivalan monarch in the line of succession.