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Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Dr. Olivia Montoya, a character in the Endless Summer series, was Estela's mother and was a researcher at Rourke International. She is first seen in Book 2, Chapter 10.


Olivia has lightly tanned skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. She wears a doctor's coat over a black top. Overall, she looks almost identical to Estela. The only physical differences being that Olivia has shorter hair, doesn't have a scar over her eye, and that her skin tone is slightly darker than Estela's.


Olivia was a loving mother and dedicated scientist who wanted to make the world a better place and safer for her daughter. After she discovered Everett Rourke was a criminal, she attempted to expose him to the world. As her brother Nicolas remarked, she doesn’t give up and is very determined, a trait passed onto her daughter.

Before her death, she created a Virtual Reality simulation meant to show the destructive capabilities of a Rourke International project code-named the Omega Specimen (The Endless). After the simulation, she urges the wearer of the VR Headset to contact their government officials and warn them of the impending crisis, showing she was dedicated to justice. However, it is implied she wasn’t entirely ethical, as it is revealed by Rourke they had an affair while he was still married.


Endless Summer

Book 2

  • Chapter 10: Every End Is a Beginning... Except the Last One
  • Chapter 11: Trust is a Fragile Thing (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 13: All We Have is Now
  • Chapter 15: Self-Destruct (Mentioned)

Book 3

  • Chapter 1: Time Escapes Me
  • Chapter 11: Like There's No Tomorrow (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 12: You Mean The World to Me (Off-screen)



Estela is Olivia's daughter. They were very close and Olivia wanted the best for her. Estela was originally hellbent on murdering Rourke (and later Lila) to avenge her death, but came to terms with the fact that her mother didn't want that life for her.

Everett Rourke

Olivia originally enjoyed working for Rourke and believed that his work would benefit the world. This later changed when she later discovered his crimes, which involved many lives lost, and attempted to expose them to the world. Rourke learned of her whistleblowing activities and ordered Lila to kill her. In Book 3, Chapter 11, he is revealed to be Estela's father, meaning they had an affair. It is implied, however, that Olivia did not fully love him (likely due to his narcissism and illicit activities).


Lila was a good friend of Olivia but her loyalties were to Rourke. She reluctantly killed Olivia on his orders. Lila felt remorseful for killing Olivia, referring to her as her best friend, which further increased upon finally realizing Rourke's villainy.


Nicolas was Olivia's brother. They arranged for Estela to be cared for by Nicolas while Olivia was working on La Huerta, an arrangement which continued following Olivia's death. While she permitted him training her daughter as a fighter, hunter, and even assassin, Olivia harbored some misgivings and made Nicolas promise he wouldn't bring her into the warfare in San Trobida as stated by Estela in Book 3, Chapter 10.


  • She can be seen in a more realistic style in Book 3, Chapter 1, on the salvaged photo, one of the Embers of Hope.
  • If Your Character picks to go with Rourke's plan, she will be alive again.
  • She shares the same name as Olivia Ashton from The Freshman series and Olivia Nevrakis from The Royal Romance series.
  • The name Olivia is of Latin origin and means "olive tree" or "peace".
    • The surname Montoya is Basque and means "hills, valleys".