Nana and Pop Pop, characters from the Rules of Engagement series, were the maternal grandparents of Main Character, her siblings, and her cousin. Nana's last will is the reason for them to join the cruise on the Ember of the Sea. Nana is first mentioned in Book 1, Chapter 1 and Pop Pop is first mentioned in Book 1, Chapter 2.
Nana and Pop Pop never physically appeared in the series.
Nana wanted her grandchildren to remember their Filipino roots. Nana is originally from Fujian province and first traveled to Manila and finally to the USA.
Chapters: Nana
Rules of Engagement
Book 1
- Chapter 1: The Heiress (Mentioned)
- Chapter 2: Wine and Mixers (Mentioned)
- Chapter 4: Dirty Work (Mentioned)
Book 2
- Chapter 3: London Calling (Mentioned)
- Chapter 5: Trouble in Paradise (Offscreen)
- Chapter 12: Fiancees and Finances (Mentioned; Determinant)
- Chapter 17: Starry Nights (Mentioned)
Book 3
- Chapter 1: Setting Sail (Mentioned)
- Chapter 7: Le Voyage dans la Lune (Mentioned)
- Chapter 9: When in Rome (Mentioned)
- Chapter 12: Memory Lane (Mentioned)
- Chapter 15: Everything is Illuminated (Mentioned)
- Chapter 17: After Party (Mentioned)
- Chapter 1: Home Sweet Home (Mentioned; Determinant)
- Chapter 2: Autumn Gatherings (Mentioned)
- Chapter 4: A Harvest Homecoming (Mentioned)
- Chapter 5: Into the Sunset (mentioned)
Chapters: Pop Pop
Rules of Engagement
Book 1
- Chapter 2: Wine and Mixers (Mentioned)
Book 2
Book 3
- Chapter 12: Memory Lane (Mentioned)
- Chapter 15: Everything is Illuminated (Mentioned)
- Chapter 2: Autumn Gatherings (Mentioned)
With Each Other
When Nana was about the age of the siblings, she went on a Mediterranean cruise and met the man who would become her husband. They shared their first kiss in Istanbul. He was the one to propose. Brother mentions that Nana always talked about her and Pop Pop's time in their rowboat, the tradition which Main Character is following with her groom, rowing to their wedding.
In Iceland, they decided to have children together when they saw a couple playing with their daughter. They celebrated their first anniversary in Vienna. Pop Pop died shortly after the siblings' parents died.
Mom and Aunt
The division between sisters began before the events of Rules of Engagement and before Nana's death. Aunt always felt that Mom was the favorite daughter of their parents, the bubbly one that had a big smile on her face, the one that everyone loved. Their parents would give Aunt advice on what to do, and while they probably wanted her to find her own way, Aunt felt they were always disappointed in her. Aunt felt like Nana and Pop Pop wanted her to be more like Mom and that resentment built up over many years.
When the Main Character's and her siblings' parents died, Aunt fought to have custody of the siblings. However, Nana was awarded custody over her, despite Nana's health. To Aunt, it felt like the last straw, because she felt Nana didn't trust her to raise her sister's children. Aunt was mad and hurt about it, feeling it drive a bigger wedge between her and her late sister, as well as her and Nana.
Nana was devastated by the death of Main Character's and her siblings' Mom. In Book 3, Chapter 15, Cousin tells Bookish Sister that she overheard Pop Pop saying that Nana kept the brooch because it originally belonged to Mom, and it was a way of keeping Mom close to her.
In "Newlyweds", it is revealed that Nana gave a lake house to Aunt in her last will.
Main Character
Main Character is one of Nana and Pop Pop's grandchildren, the oldest or second oldest granddaughter (in relation to Cousin). When she steps aboard the Ember of the Sea, she is given a letter from Nana by the executor of her will. Her letter states she must get married by the end of the summer in order to receive her share of the inheritance. Main Character believes Nana was trying to give her a push in the right direction since she had been dating and engaged to Ex-Fiance for several years. However, because Main Character ended her relationship with Ex-Fiance shortly before the cruise, the will and instructions give her anxiety to find love before the summer ends.
In Book 2, Chapter 17, after having received her third proposal, Main Character writes Nana a letter.
In Book 3, Chapter 1, the siblings receive new letters from Nana containing some items of special meaning. Main Character gets the blue ribbon that Nana wore when she found out that she was pregnant with the siblings' mother. Nana chose wedding planner Carmen and the location for Main Character's wedding. It is the place where a photo was taken of Nana and the siblings' mother. Nana had promised Main Character to go there together, but they never did.
In Chapter 12's premium scene, the siblings and Cousin can browse through Nana's photo album and read her notes. Nana wrote that her mother, the siblings' great-grandmother, had a strawberry shortcake roll recipe and that she used it to help Brother and Main Character make a birthday surprise for their father.
Like Main Character's task, Nana wanted Brother to make a serious commitment to his "girlfriend", Elena. She leaves him instructions to take Elena on dates during the cruise and not be consumed by his work. The reason Nana believed that Brother had a girlfriend was due to a misunderstanding that happened two years ago. Brother told Nana that Elena had picked out the Christmas present for her and his sisters. Nana assumed that Elena was his girlfriend, and told him that she could finally rest easy knowing he is not alone. He didn't have the heart to correct her. In Book 2, Chapter 12's premium scene, Brother tells Elena that Nana used to spoil him and his siblings whenever they got sick.
In Book 3, Chapter 1, Brother gets the engagement ring that Pop Pop once gave to Nana.
Bookish Sister
Pop Pop and Bookish Sister were especially close because they were interested in the same things. She used to sit with him in his workshop; he taught her how to fix and build everything from wind-up robots to model cars to pocket watches. It's the reason she became fascinated with machines and learning about them.
In order for her to spread her wings and try new things, Nana gives a list of adventures for Bookish Sister to accomplish during the summer cruise.
In Book 3, Chapter 1, Bookish Sister gets a candle that she has to light together with a special person during a floating lantern ceremony in Istanbul. This is where Nana and Pop Pop kissed for the first time and lit a candle together.
In Chapter 7, Bookish Sister attends a film festival and learns that Nana was the most generous sponsor in the history of this festival and accepts the award posthumously on Nana's behalf.
Party-Girl Sister
In order for her to learn responsibility, Nana assigns Party-Girl Sister the task of keeping a job for the duration of the cruise.
In Book 3, Chapter 1, Party-Girl Sister gets an antique compass. In Chapter 9’s premium scene, Party-Girl Sister tells her love interests that she and Nana would go to watch old Italian movies at the drive-in. When the siblings and Cousin reminisce, they remember that Nana wanted them to remember their Filipino roots. When Party-Girl Sister was young, Nana signed her up for Singkil dance classes.
In order to mend fences, Nana leaves instructions for Cousin to reconcile with her cousins. If she is successful, the cousins can vote to give her a share of the inheritance; if she is not, they can vote to exclude her.
In Book 3, Chapter 1, Cousin's letter includes the family photo of Nana, Cousin and the four siblings. In Chapter 18, Nana apologizes to Cousin via her last letter. She is sorry if she failed her and if Cousin feels Nana should have resisted Aunt's rules more and been there for her.
In "Newlyweds", Cousin states she named her daughter after Nana.
Dinesh Singh
Dinesh Singh is the executor of Nana's will.
- Nana had a secret banana bread recipe.
- Nana's favorite color was green. Main Character says she "loved being active and out in nature".
- In Book 3, Chapter 17, Nana's ashes are scattered at sea.
- She shares the same first name as Amelia Hayes from The Unexpected Heiress, and Amelia Guidry from Hearts on Fire.