Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

The good, the bad, and the almost irrelevant. They are the miscellaneous characters that are there to answer that one question, explain away that one plot hole, assist in adding development to that actually relevant character, or give that good (or bad) advice. We usually never learn their names. They are there and they are gone as soon as they serve their purpose often never to be seen again. They may not be the most memorable but definitely have a role to play. If the "No Image" picture is used, it means that the particular character has only been mentioned and has never physically appeared.

My Two First Loves

Chapter 2

MTFLCh02 Salesgirl


She sold you the premium outfit that you try to wear on your first day of school. Her character model resembles Shannon from the It Lives series.



Mentioned only in this chapter, Lauren dated Todd for a short time. If you ask about the craziest summer party rather than about people's dates, you will learn that Todd had a Fourth of July party at his cabin by the lake which your best friend calls an "absolute rager". It included 50 people, 4 kegs, 2 fist-fights, 3 breakups, 4 hookups, 2 boxes of illegal fireworks, 3 squad cars, and 2 arrests.



If you ask Best Friend who everyone is dating, she will tell you that Lauren dated Adam shortly before dating Todd. She is currently dating Adam again, but may go back to being single or to dating Todd.

Chapter 3

Mtfl darren


He wants to sell you drugs and when you refuse, he tries to hurt you until you are saved by The Bad Boy. Darren also appears in a flashback of Chapter 41.

He resembles the frat boy from Veil of Secrets.

Chapter 5

MTFLCh05 Coach


Shortly mentioned by Childhood Crush in Chapter 1, he is the coach of the football team. According to Childhood Crush, he is quite tough. He once left the team at McDermots after an away game when they didn't take him seriously about only having ten minutes to eat their dinner. He also appears in a flashback of Chapter 41.

He resembles Russell Thibbs from The Freshman.

Chapter 7

Mtfl security guard

Security Guard

You, Childhood Crush, Best Friend, and Lauren sneak off-campus for lunch past the security guard. Later, when you return, he catches you talking to Bad Boy. His character model resembles Mervin Kalani from The Heist: Monaco.

MTFLCh07 Hottie


When Best Friend brings up that you should get a boyfriend, Lauren agrees which results in Childhood Crush asking about her in turn. She wants to demonstrate that she can have anyone and chooses the waiter. Lauren then unsuccessfully flirts with him which you describe as "watching a car wreck in slow motion." He resembles Carter from the Rules of Engagement series.

Chapter 8

Mtfl mrs applegate

Mrs. Applegate

Mrs. Applegate is the principal's secretary. She is surprised by your presence there but expects Bad Boy given his reputation. She confiscates his pocket knife, which you have the premium opportunity to retrieve should you desire. Her character model resembles Teresa Martinez from Open Heart, Book 1.

Chapter 9

MTFLCh09 Maverick


Maverick is Childhood Crush's dog. You meet him in Chapter 9 if you choose to go to the hot tub with Childhood Crush. Otherwise, you meet him when you go to dinner with the Jennings in Chapter 13. Mackenzie is sad that he doesn't seem to recognize her at dinner. His character model resembles Hilda from It Lives In The Woods.

Maverick's puppy character model appears in a premium flashback scene of Chapter 23. You and Childhood Crush rescued him from two abusive teenagers ten years ago. He resembles the adoptable puppy from Save the Date.

Chapter 11

Mtfl ch11 bouncer


You can tell him that you want to apply as bartender, that you are with the band, or that you're Bad Boy's girlfriend. If the first option is chosen, he will say that he hopes you won't get stabbed like the last one. His character model resembles the animal-loving Eros guard from Perfect Match, Book 1.

MTFLCh11 Woman


As soon as you enter the nightclub, you bump into the woman which results in her spilling her drink over her top. She resembles Esme Ortega from the Open Heart series. She wears the same outfit as Britney from It Lives in the Woods.

MTFLCh11 Man

Man (1)

He is woman's boyfriend and resembles Randall Grimes from Most Wanted.

Chapter 13

Mtfl linda jennings bigger view

Linda Jennings

Linda is Jim's wife and Childhood Crush's mother. She accidentally calls Mackenzie, Madeline. In Chapter 72, it is revealed that she hid the gun that Jim used to shoot Bad Boy in their cabin basement.

When Jim is arrested and the government freezes their assets, Linda pawns her dream wedding ring to buy her son a practical car. She also gets a job to help support herself and him.

Linda resembles Lorelai Lee from The Royal Romance. She shares the same first name as Linda Joy and Linda Ortega.

Chapter 19

MTFLCh19 Pete


If you decide to talk to Mackenzie about what she did while she was out, Pete teases her about getting home in time for 9pm curfew. If you don't meet him here, his first appearance will be in Chapter 25. He is mentioned to be a part of the photography club with Scooter and Lucy in Chapter 47 although he isn't seen. His character model resembles Gary Crawford from Perfect Match, Book 1.

Chapter 23

MTFLCh23 Teenager 1

Teenager (1)

In a premium scene, Childhood Crush retells the story of how you two saved Maverick 10 years ago. In the flashback, two teenagers play catch by throwing the puppy. The first teenager resembles Ben from It Lives In The Woods.

MTFLCh23 Teenager 2

Teenager (2)

The second teenager resembles the Gildegraive Thief player who is an Air-Att from The Elementalists. In a premium scene of Chapter 28, Bad Boy talks about a time ten years ago when he rescued a classmate, Albert, from an older bully. He demands 'protection fees' and threatens Albert if he doesn't pay up.

The teenager resembles the unnamed male thief player from The Elementalists, Book 1.

Chapter 25

MTFL Ch25 Officer


His character resembles Omar from the America's Most Eligible series.

Chapter 28

Mtfl albert


Albert was a classmate of Bad Boy about ten years ago. He is described as 'scrawny.' He was being bullied by a teenager and Bad Boy came to his defense. After Bad Boy was scolded by his father for helping him, Albert invited him to come play football with him and his friends, helping him to discover his love for the sport. They fell out of touch as they got older, but Bad Boy will never forget Albert's kindness.

His character model resembles a young version of MC from It Lives in the Woods.

MTFLCh28 Mr Harris

Matthew Harris

Mr. Harris is Bad Boy and Elijah's father. He is an angry person and shouts at Bad Boy for making trouble, even if he explains that he only fought the bully to protect Albert. Bad Boy describes him as intimidating, saying that "everything [he] did was wrong in [his father's] eyes no matter how hard [he] tried." Unsurprisingly, most of his memories of his father are negative. In a premium scene of Chapter 56, his first name has been revealed as Matthew.

He resembles Krom's human form.

Chapter 33

Mtfl ch33 announcer


He announces the homecoming game. His character model resembles character model 4 of Alan Park, who resembles Tino Thompson from Veil of Secrets.

MTFLCh33 Quarterback


He plays for the opposing team during the homecoming game. He shares a character model with Statton player #10 from High School Story.

Chapter 34


Scott Andrews

You see him in the crowd during the homecoming game taking notes on Childhood Crush and Bad Boy's performance. You note he has an official-looking logo on his clipboard, suggesting that he is a scout for college football teams. In Chapter 38, he introduces himself. He is a college scout for the National Association of Undergraduate Athletics. Each year they select one standout athlete for a full scholarship to the college of their choice, and he thought both Childhood Crush and Bad Boy did exceptionally well during the game.

He shares a character model with Ricky Burke from High School Story.

MTFLCh34 Waitress

Ms. Evans

She is the waitress you meet if you choose Bad Boy as your homecoming date and go to the restaurant to see his surprise. She greets him warmly and comments on how big he's gotten. He calls her Ms. Evans.

She shares a character model with Angela Hughs in her sports bar uniform from High School Story.

Chapter 38

MTFL ch38 DJ


If you choose to dance with your homecoming date, your date tries to get the DJ to play a request. His character model resembles Finn Wildfire from Red Carpet Diaries, Book 1.

Chapter 41



She tells Childhood Crush that only family is allowed so he pretends to be Bad Boy's cousin. She resembles the EMT from Open Heart.

MTFLCh41 Officer

Officer 2

He attacks Childhood Crush if he is black or tanned, assuming that he is the robber. It takes the intervention of the EMT and Mr. Jennings to make him let go. He then uses force against Bad Boy. When black Bad Boy says that he cannot breathe, the officer answers that as long as he can speak, he can breathe, ignoring Bad Boy's desperate pleas. He resembles Noel Santos in the version of the police officer from Ride or Die.

MTFLCh41 Officer (female)

Officer 3

When a hurt Bad Boy lies in the hospital, she tells him to put his hands up, ignoring his pain. She then uses force against him which leads to an intervention by Childhood Crush who is ignored by her. The other officer instead joins her, also using force against Bad Boy. She resembles Leila from The Freshman series.

Chapter 44

MTFLCh44 Upperclassman


When Bad Boy reminisces about his freshman year, he remembers accidentally running into the upperclassman who was the quarterback at the time. His character model resembles Frank Walter from High School Story.

Chapter 45



The Harris's landlord pounds on their door demanding rent. Bad Boy yells at him about their broken refrigerator. His character model resembles Bryce Sterling.

Chapter 50

Mtfl airman rogers

Airman Rogers

He welcomes Childhood Crush and you to the aircraft carrier. His character model resembles Charles Shepard from Home for Holidays.

Chapter 51

Mtfl ch51 college student

College Student

When Best Friend looks around campus, this college student says she ought to consider rushing for her sorority. Her character model resembles Addison Sinclair.

Chapter 63

Mtfl ch63 mr cane

Lawrence Cane

He is the co-founder of the Repository, an international photographic superstar. He saves the art program by giving Mrs. Larson a huge check to keep the photography club going and suggests that you apply for the New York Art Institute. His character model resembles Tristan Dumont from The Heist: Monaco.

Chapter 66

Mr. Cardenas

During the premium scene, your neighbor interrupts your moment with MC together. He resembles Horace from The Senior.

Chapter 74

Mtfl beautiful princess

Beautiful Princess

You can name your character after you choose between "Beautiful Princess" and "Warrior Queen". If you choose "Beautiful Princess", her character model resembles Kaya Duskraven.

MTFL Ch74 Warrior Queen

Warrior Queen

If you choose "Warrior Queen", her character model resembles Ellara from Blades of Light and Shadow, Book 1.

Mtfl banished prince
MTFL Ch74 Banished Prince FV

The Banished Prince

When you and your chosen love interest are awaiting the other two to return with medical help, your love interest tells you a story. If you chose Childhood Crush as your love interest, one of the characters in the story he creates is the Banished Prince. His character model resembles the male blue-skinned elf version of Your Character (Blades of Light and Shadow).

MTFL Ch74 Pickpocket
MTFL Ch74 Pickpocket FV

The Pickpocket

If you chose Bad Boy as your love interest, one of the characters in the story he creates is the Pickpocket. His character model resembles male Elf from Blades of Light and Shadow, Book 1.

MTFL Ch74 Witch
MTFL Ch74 Witch FV

The Witch

If you chose Best Friend as your love interest, one of the characters in the story she creates is the Witch. Her character model resembles Adrina Starfury from the Blades of Light and Shadow series.

Mtfl purple knight

The Knight

The knight accompanies your character in the story to fight the dragon. The character model resembles one of the Fydoria Soldiers.

Herald of Darkness

The dragon's character model resembles Sei Rhuka's dragon form.

MTFL Ch74 Parademic


He finds you and your love interest in the car. He tells you that Principal Jennings is on his way to the hospital. His character model resembles Mitch Keller.

Chapter 75

MTFL Ch75 Nurse


She is the nurse at the hospital. Her character model resembles Sarah from the Open Heart series.

Elderly Woman

At the mall, she fights with Cheryl over an item on sale. Her character model resembles Teresa Martinez from the Open Heart series.

Chapter 76

MTFL Ava Mom F1
MTFL Ava Mom F2
MTFL Ava Mom F3

Mrs. Lawrence

She is Best Friend's mother. Best Friend says that since she came out, her mother and father have been super supportive which feels weird to her. In Chapter 82, Best Friend mentions that she's on the school board. In Chapter 85, it is revealed that she's the vice president of the board.

Her character model 1 resembles Shannon Davenport from the The Freshman series; character model 2 resembles a version of Mom from With Every Heartbeat; character model 3 resembles Joelle Theron from The Royal Romance series.

Chapter 78

MTFL Ava Dad

Paul Lawrence

Paul is Best Friend's father. Both he and her mother want Best Friend to attend their alma mater, even though she hasn't told them that she doesn't want to. His character model resembles Robert Tennyson from Perfect Match, Book 1.

Chapter 79

MTFL Ch79 Car Detailer

Car Detailer

He is detailing Jim's new car when Childhood Crush comes outside. Childhood Crush persuades him to let him drive it to pick his dad up from the hospital. His character model resembles a valet from Red Carpet Diaries, Book 1.

MTFL Ch79 Nurse

Nurse (2)

She witnesses Jim's attitude toward Childhood Crush and tries to explain it with a general "no one likes hospitals" statement. She also suggests Childhood Crush vent to someone in case he needs to. Her character model resembles Barb Powell from The Senior.

MTFL Ch79 Flag Stealer

Flag Stealer

Her character model resembles Lula Jacobs from the Bloodbound series.

Chapter 80

MTFL Buddy


He runs the garage where Bad Boy works. His character model resembles Arnold Northmun from Bloodbound, Book 1.

Chapter 89


Her character model resembles Rebecca McKenzie from Most Wanted, Book 1.

MTFL Ch89 Sergeant


The cops appear to take Elijah into custody if you choose to turn him in. Her character model resembles one of the LAPD officers from Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance, Book 1.

Chapter 90

MTFL Ch90 Mr Everett

Malcolm Everett

He is the president of the school board. His character model resembles William Gallagher from America's Most Eligible: Season 10.

MTFL Ch90 Mr Koo

Mr. Koo

He is the third board member at Noah's hearing. His character model resembles one of the Michael Kim from Veil of Secrets.

Chapter 100

MTFL Ch100 Dance Student

Dance Student

She wants Mackenzie to draw a butterfly on her face for the dance recital but Mack refuses. Her character model resembles young Grace Hall from Rules of Engagement, Book 2.
