Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

The good, the bad, and the almost irrelevant. They are the miscellaneous characters that are there to answer that one question, explain away that one plot hole, assist in adding development to that actually relevant character, or give that good (or bad) advice. We usually never learn their names. They are there and they are gone as soon as they serve their purpose often never to be seen again. They may not be the most memorable but definitely have a role to play. If the "No Image" picture is used, it means that the particular character has only been mentioned and has never physically appeared.

Book 1

Chapter 1


Carly Caroline

When Theresa and Logan first spot Gavin Routh, they discuss how much they love Dirty Hollywood and mention how else would they know about Carly Caroline's pill problem or Ryan Summers's latest fling.

Chapter 4



Joaquin is a local of Venice Beach whom you only see if you choose to speak to a local. He provides you information about the company Cheerm. He is identical to Jimmy, the owner of the local internet café.

  • Pixelberry gave him the same face, eye color, and skin color as Jamie Brooks, another character in the Most Wanted series, and Martin/Frank, two characters in the #LoveHacks series.
    • He also has the same character render for Jimmy, another character in the #LoveHacks series.
  • He shares the same forename as Joaquin, a character from The Sophomore series.
  • Pixelberry gave him the same face, eye color, and skin color as the thief in the Bloodbound series.

MWCh04 Jimmy


Jimmy is the owner of an internet café in Venice Beach whom you only see if you choose to go to the internet café. He is identical to Joaquin whom you speak to if you choose to speak to the locals.

  • Pixelberry gave him the same face, eye color, and skin color as Jamie Brooks, another character in the Most Wanted series, and Martin/Frank, two characters in the #LoveHacks series.
    • He also has the same character render for Jimmy, another character in the #LoveHacks series.
  • He shares the same forename as Joaquin, a character from The Sophomore series.
  • Pixelberry gave him the same face, eye color, and skin color as the thief in the Bloodbound series.

Chapter 6

MWCh06 Centurion Biker

Centurion Biker 1

This Centurion Biker greets Sam Massey when she enters the bar searching for Randall Grimes. Sam can mistake him for Randall himself. He and Centurion Biker 2 attack Sam when Randall orders them to. His appearance is also used for several other bikers across the Choices series.

MWBk1Ch06 - Centurion Biker

Centurion Biker 2

He works for Randall Grimes. Sam can mistake him for Randall himself. He and Centurion Biker 1 attack Sam when Randall orders them to.

Chapter 7

MWCh07 Dog


Dave and Sam encounter this character before searching Tull's trailer in the Green Palms Trailer Park. After another encounter with Tull, they bring this character to the precint. Officer McKenzie suggests to Dave that he should keep the dog. If Dave decides to adopt him (💎30), he has the option to name him.


Garret Clan

A photo of them is among the things Dave and Sam find in Tull's trailer. Sam tells that Tull ran with them in the Ozarks.

Chapter 13



T-Rax is a producer working with Hayley Rose in the recording studio. He is described as being skinny when compared to the burly bodyguards.

Chapter 14

MWBk1Ch14 - Swat Officer 1
MWBk1Ch14 - Swat Officer 2
MWBk1Ch14 SWAT Officer 3
MWBk1Ch14 SWAT Officer 4

Swat Officers

They attempt to stop Hayley Rose's plane from taking off.

MWBk1Ch14 - Pilot


He is the pilot of Hayley Rose's plane. During the fight on the plane with John Tull and Hayley, he is shot, which forces Cassandra Leigh to land the plane. His character model resembles Otis Khouri.
