Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Merlin and Morgana, characters in The Royal Romance series, are Penelope's poodles. You can meet them beforehand in Chapter 4. They made their official appearance in Book 3, Chapter 5.


Penelope designs and makes clothes for her poodles. Merlin is the black poodle. He is wearing a blue sweater and a blue collar. Morgana is the blonde poodle. She is wearing a pink dress and a pink collar with a pink bow on her head. They both have long ears. Their collars have the letter M; an initial of both their names.


According to Penelope, they don't like to "run free". They like treats, bubble baths, and sitting on dog-sized couches.


The Royal Romance

Book 2

  • Chapter 13: The Art of Drinking Tea (Mentioned)

Book 3

  • Chapter 4: Any Port in a Storm (Determinant)
  • Chapter 5: The Sport of Kings
  • Chapter 7: Haute Culture
  • Chapter 8: Artistic License (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 16: What Happens in Vegas...
  • Chapter 17: Save the Date
  • Chapter 18: Bride to Be
  • Chapter 19: You Are Cordially Invited
  • Chapter 20: A Warm Reception
  • Chapter 21: Taken
  • Chapter 22: Happily Ever After

The Royal Heir

Book 1

  • Chapter 3: Your Kingdom Awaits
  • Chapter 7: A Night on the Town (Mentioned; Determinant)

Book 2

  • Chapter 4: The Royal Tour
  • Chapter 7: Thanks (But No Thanks)
  • Chapter 8: Exit Strategy (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 18: The Beginning of the End

Book 3

  • Chapter 2: Making Waves
  • Chapter 3: Forever Hold Your Peace
  • Chapter 4: Seeds of Conflict (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 14: Upping the Ante
  • Chapter 16: Devil in the Details (Determinant)

The Royal Finale

  • Chapter 15: To Wield the Sword
  • Chapter 17: Happier Ever After



Penelope is the owner of Merlin and Morgana. She named her poodles based on the Arthurian legend. The two help her deal with anxiety. She got them when they were still puppies. She has trained them to shake hands/paws and to dance. She has also trained Morgana to hold a purse in her paws. During her wedding, she chooses Merlin and Morgana to serve as her ring bearers. They are very protective of her, and after Penelope confesses to her annulment, you can choose to sic them on Guy to chase him out of the wedding ceremony.


If Your Character got the Corgi in Book 2, then he will strike up a friendship with Merlin and Morgana.

Ezekiel Theron

They appear to like Zeke and you can suggest to him to choose them (or the Cordonian Quartet featuring King "Liam", Drake, Maxwell, and Bertrand) to propose to Penelope in The Royal Heir, Book 2. In Book 3, they are the ring bearers at Penelope and Zeke's wedding.


  • Until the introduction of the corgi puppies in The Royal Heir, Chapter 16, they were the only characters to have two "people" in the photo above the text box.
  • Zeke notes they are purebred miniature poodles.
    • In The Royal Heir, Book 2, Zeke says that Merlin is gluten intolerant.
  • In the legend of King Arthur, Merlin was a magician and his mentor, while Morgana was his half sister and a powerful sorceress.
  • Merlin shares the same name as Merlin from Guinevere and the Thistle Bat from The Cursed Heart if the latter's default name is kept. Morgana shares the same name as Morgana from Guinevere.
    • The name Merlin is of Old Welsh origin and means "sea fortress".
    • The name Morgana is of Old Welsh origin and means "dweller of the sea" or "from the shore of the sea".