Matty, a character in the Crimes of Passion series, is the dishwasher at your uncle's bar. He is first seen in Book 1, Chapter 3.
Matty has long black hair that is tied into a bun. He has tanned skin and green eyes and also wears glasses. He wears a maroon color sweater over a gray shirt.
Matty is generally a "good kid" according to his mother. He comes home by curfew, and tries to alleviate his mother's debt by doing little jobs for her loan shark.
Crimes of Passion
Book 1
- Chapter 3: Body Language
- Chapter 6: Sleep When You're Dead (Mentioned)
- Chapter 7: Cold Call
Book 3
- Chapter 2: Grief Casserole (Mentioned)
- Chapter 3: Goodnight Tommy
- Chapter 16: I Do
Tommy Rose
Matty is the dishwasher at his bar. After his bar was trashed and he realized Matty was missing, Tommy suspects the younger man was involved in the robbery. When Matty's mother, Sofia, comes to the bar and mentions that she borrowed money from Niko "The Butcher" Borodin, Tommy agrees with you that Niko is probably involved in Matty's disappearance and the robbery.
When you and Trystan foil the Solonik Crime Family's plans and have the twins and Niko arrested, Matty returns to the Drunk Tank with you two and apologizes to Tommy. Tommy forgives him and decides not to press charges against him.
Niko Borodin
When you and Trystan go to Niko's in search of Matty, Niko admits that Matty does odd jobs for him, usually delivering or retrieving items. After Matty releases you and Trystan from the freezer Niko trapped you two in, Matty admits that his work for Niko was an attempt to pay off his mother's loan. Niko had found out that Matty worked for Tommy at the Drunk Tank, and told the younger man if he knocked over the place, Niko would wipe Matty's mother loan clean. The money Matty stole was a front, and Jimmy's gun and badge was a f-you to Tommy. The true objective was Tommy's W-2s, his tax forms, which Niko planned to give to the Solonik Crime Family to commit synthetic identity theft.
Matty believes the guys (the Solonik twins) that Niko works with are dangerous, but he knows where Niko meets up with them because the younger man had followed the older man once. When Vanya catches Matty outside their warehouse, he wrongly assumes Matty is with Niko.
Other Looks
- His character model resembles Graham from the High School Story: Class Act series.
- In Chapter 7, he is forced by Niko Borodin to rob your uncle's bar, making him guilty of vandalism and theft. However, Tommy decides not to press charges given the circumstances.
- After he graduates high school, Matty wants to go to art school. Previously, he wanted to go to school to become a plumber.