Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Maria Thompson, a character in the Crimes of Passion series, is your former superior and the captain of the NYPD. She is first seen in Book 1, Chapter 6.


Captain Thompson has blue eyes, fair skin, and black straight hair tied into a bun. She wears a Police Captain uniform which consists of a black suit jacket and pants with golden buttons and designs, and a white shirt with a black tie.


Captain Thompson can be described as stern, icy and selfish. Mafalda believes that she is more interested in "playing politics" than taking a dangerous criminal off the streets. She is a very "by the books" type of cop, and very unlikely to go rogue if she needed to.



Crimes of Passion

Book 1

  • Chapter 2: Follow My Lead (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 6: Sleep When You're Dead
  • Chapter 11: Reasonable Doubt
  • Chapter 12: Sabbatical (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 13: A Stab in the Dark
  • Chapter 14: The Heat
  • Chapter 15: The Final Curtain
  • Chapter 16: The Heart of the Matter
  • Chapter 17: The Long Goodbye

Book 2

  • Chapter 1: To Catch A Thief

Book 3

  • Chapter 3: Goodnight Tommy
  • Chapter 5: Face Off (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 6: Captain Behavior
  • Chapter 8: Dungeon of Truths
  • Chapter 9: Break Free
  • Chapter 10: Welcome To The Agency
  • Chapter 11: Country Clubbing
  • Chapter 12: A Dark Night
  • Chapter 13: Witness Take the Stand


Your Character

There is history between her and you. She was your former captain when you were on the force, and your opinion of her and her detectives is quite low. She also believes the false accusations levelled against you, considering you a disgrace. She comes to the agency and demands Mafalda drop the investigation, threatening to send the force after you if you continue. When you and Trystan are arrested in Chapter 11, she once again orders you to drop the investigation, or she'll arrest you and Trystan for obstruction.

Mafalda Ginovesi

According to her, she and Mafalda always gotten along and had an understanding. However, she says that if she catches even a whiff that you are snooping around, she'll come down on the agency with the full force of the NYPD. In Book 3, Chapter 9, it is revealed that the two of them briefly dated prior to Jimmy Rose's murder.

John Brigham

Not much is known about their relationship, but it is clear that they have similar goals, as they both want to keep you off the Dormer case and let the police handle it. This is most likely due to the fact that Brigham had an affair with Bethany, which means that they want to cover things up or protect themselves.


Other Looks



  • Her character model resembles Yvette Mercer from Passport to Romance.
  • The name Maria is of Hebrew, Latin, and Greek origin, which means: Bitter, beloved, rebelliousness, wished-for child, marine. It's a variant of the name Mary.
  • The surname Thompson is of English and Scottish origin, which means "child of Thomas". It derives from the surnames MacTavish and MacTamhais.
  • Book 1 establishes Maria as an NYPD police captain, with Mafalda specifically stating in Chapter 6 that Albany is outside her jurisdiction. By contrast, Book 3 makes repeated reference to Maria working for the Albany PD. But her Book 3 dossier still refers to her as an NYPD captain, there's no indication that she transferred to a different city between books, and her official police activities continue to center around New York City. Considering the overall geographical confusion about why the Albany police would be handling cases inside NYC when the two cities are over a hundred miles apart, it seems likely any mention of Maria working for the Albany PD is an error.
  • When Maria first visits the Ginovesi Private Detective agency shortly after your suspect burns down the governor's mansion, you sarcastically guess she's there to hire you because she suspects her husband of infidelity. However, her Book 3 dossier reveals that she's openly gay and has no known significant other.
    • It's possible this detail is a retcon, similar to the Book 3 name changes for Uncle Tommy and Big V Scarlotti. But considering your obviously-sardonic tone, it's unclear if your comment was ever intended to be a serious indication of Maria's marital status, or if it was instead meant as a joking reference to the stereotypes around your profession.
  • Some of her notable cases include:
    • The murder of actress Elsa Laine. Her husband confessed after a 14 hour long interrogation.
    • A high-stakes bank robbery that turned out to be an inside job.
    • State VS. Adams. A controversial case where Adams, who was 19 at the time, was accused of shooting a cop. He claims his confession was obtained under duress. This case ended up driving a wedge between her and you.