Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Margot, a character in The Royal Heir series, is one of the candidates for Queen of Auvernal. She is first seen in The Royal Finale, Chapter 6.


Margot has mid-length dirty blonde hair, tanned skin and blue eyes. She also wears a red dress with a gold necklace.


Margot is ambitious and shrewd. She does not appear to waste her time with small talk or etiquette if it is not beneficial for her status. When she speaks, Olivia tells her that her personality is similar to Isabella, which Margot finds insulting.


Because she is Isabella's cousin, she shares the royal bloodline and is next in line to the throne of Auvernal. Her claim would be superseded by Isaac and Lyra if they were Isabella's biological children or if Isabella officially named one of them her heir before she was removed from power. Due to a clause in the annexation of Rivala, Margot's claim becomes refutable and must be decided by others.


The Royal Heir

The Royal Finale

  • Chapter 6: The Comeback Queen
  • Chapter 7: Another Mask on the Wall (Mentioned; Determinant)
  • Chapter 9: Highs and Lows (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 11: Face-Off
  • Chapter 12: When Worlds Collide
  • Chapter 15: To Wield the Sword


Bradshaw & Isabella Achilles

Margot does not have a high opinion of Bradshaw, calling him "window dressing", and knows his power comes from his marriage to Isabella. It is not shown what type of relationship Margot has with Isabella, but it appears that Margot's ambition for the crown displaces any friendship or love they have for each other. In Chapter 6, if you decide to ask Isabella about the events leading up to her dismissal, if she pleads with Margot to speak on her behalf in front of the Royal Council, Margot tells Isabella that the former queen only had one thing she wanted. If you choose her to succeed Isabella, Reena tells you she will leave Bradshaw and Isabella alone and they will not be arrested or prosecuted.

Via Imperii

She is Via Imperii's choice for Queen of Auvernal. She only knows about Eirik's true identity, but no one else's. If you choose her, the Circle is pleased. If you choose Reena instead, Eirik warns you not to make the wrong choices again. Either way, she becomes one of the candidates to become the new "Face" when Eirik is arrested.


Reena is her opposition to become Queen of Auvernal. Margot considers her a low-level Via Imperii member, an entry-level puppet, and doesn't believe Reena has the ambition or drive to be more.

Your Character

You first meet Margot when you, your family and friends travel back to Auvernal, this time on Via Imperii business. She is the one who arranged for your helicopter ride from Bradshaw and Isabella's home to the palace, and the hotel where you and your loved ones will stay the night. When you talk to her one-on-one, she tells you that she is the Via Imperii's pick for Queen and this is a test for you. If you choose her, she is happy and gives you information about The Voice.

If you do not choose her, she is angry and in Chapter 11, she becomes the person you must convince to support you in becoming the new Face. You can appeal to her by being benevolent, offering her a position as one of the Face's diplomats - a higher international position than the Queen of Auvernal, or by being ambitious and threatening her with a demotion to becoming Reena's assistant. If you choose the latter, she doesn't believe you have that much power. You convince her that if you had the power to choose the next Queen of Auvernal while you were only an entry-level Via Imperii member, you have more power than she realizes. Either way, she agrees to support you in the last challenge of the Trial of Masks.


Other Looks

