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Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Margaret, a character in The Duchess Affair book, is your mother. She is first seen in Chapter 1.


Margaret's appearance depends on the face chosen for Your Character. Her casual outfit consists of a long brown and white dress with a white choker.


Margaret is a proud and loving mother, stating at Louise's first London ball that she will cry of joy the night just because Louise was immediately asked for a dance. She is rather realistic, occasionally pessimistic, especially compared to Louise, with her reminding Louise of composure when Louise gets too excited. When Lord Farrow starts making some inappropriate remarks towards Louise, she is shocked that he is talking about her daughter that way, but doesn't openly speak out about it the way you can do. Also when rumors spread that Louise wants to be with Lord Farrow, she remains rather passive and woebegone, rather crying and accepting things as they are ("I'm afraid we must face facts"), while you are more proactive and determined to find a way out, no matter what. When you are ready to angrily confront Lady Frost about pretending to be absent, it is Margaret who tells you to leave it be, sadly saying that the "visit was obviously in vain." While Louise still wonders how Maxwell thinks about her, Margaret states that she should focus on saving her reputation instead of going for love. She states in the same scene to have poor nerves, requiring her to lay down. Margaret had pushed you into a loveless marriage before, although she didn't mean for it to loveless, she just wanted you to be safe. She angrily confronts you upon learning that you are having an affair with Nat, demanding you break things off, worried about Louise's reputation if the affair is made public. However, when learning about the upcoming duel and recognizing that you actually do love Nat, she shows only support and understanding. Which is when she reveals the story of how she married your father. You can choose to point out the hypocrisy of her marrying you off to Lawrence when she wouldn't go through such a thing herself.


In Chapter 17, she reveals that before she married your father, she had another suitor with a better title and financial position, however she fell in love with your father when he asked her for a dance at a ball, and she married him even though his estate was in debt.


The Duchess Affair

The Duchess Affair

  • Chapter 1: A Daring Debuting
  • Chapter 2: The New Tutor (Mentioned; Determinant)
  • Chapter 3: Country Gossip (Mentioned; Determinant)
  • Chapter 5: On Your Own (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 8: In the Hunt (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 9: London Calling
  • Chapter 10: All That Glitters
  • Chapter 11: A Private Performance (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 12: A Spectacular Spectacle
  • Chapter 13: All Is Lost
  • Chapter 14: A Dangerous Dance
  • Chapter 15: Behind the Mask
  • Chapter 16: A Royal Labyrinth
  • Chapter 17: Caught in the Act
  • Chapter 18: Dueling Hearts (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 19: A New Dawn


Your Character

You are her eldest daughter. Whatever your choices are with Nat, in Chapter 14, she tells you that she has seen the two of you and that you must stop your romance with him/her. In Chapter 17, after you tell her how Duke Lawrence caught you and Nat together, she sympathizes with you and tells you how she chose to marry for love rather than for money. She also expresses remorse for having you marry the Duke in the first place. In Chapter 19, if you choose to tell her of your intentions to run away with Nat, she tells you she is proud of you.


Louise is her younger daughter.


Other Looks



