Mara, a character from The Royal Romance and The Royal Heir series, is Your Character's bodyguard. She is first seen in The Royal Romance, Book 3, Chapter 2.
Mara has brown eyes, tan skin and short black hair. She wears a black button-up shirt with a gray tie and silver clip under a dark gray suit.
She is eager to please and ready to get to work. She wants to make sure that she can protect your character to the best of her ability.
The Royal Romance
Book 3
- Chapter 2: Crown and Country
- Chapter 4: Any Port in a Storm
- Chapter 6: Ember of Hope
- Chapter 9: Pomp and Circumstance
- Chapter 11: Cold Fire
- Chapter 12: Secrets In The Snow
- Chapter 13: Caught
- Chapter 14: Welcome, One and All
- Chapter 17: Save the Date
- Chapter 18: Bride to Be
- Chapter 19: You Are Cordially Invited
- Chapter 21: Taken
- Chapter 22: Happily Ever After
The Royal Heir
Book 1
- Chapter 2: Last Night in Paradise (Mentioned)
- Chapter 3: Your Kingdom Awaits
- Chapter 13: Spreading the Word
- Chapter 16: Great Expectations
- Chapter 18: The Last Apple Ball (Mentioned)
- Chapter 19: Truth and Lies
Book 2
- Chapter 1: Labor of Love
- Chapter 6: To Catch a Traitor (Off-screen)
- Chapter 19: To Betroth, or Not To Betroth (Mentioned)
Book 3
- Chapter 13: The Way Out
- Chapter 15: The Enemy of My Enemy (Physical Appearance Determinant)
The Royal Finale
- Chapter 1: Hidden in Plain Sight
- Chapter 5: Testing the Waters (Mentioned)
- Chapter 9: Highs and Lows (Mentioned; Determinant)
- Chapter 12: When Worlds Collide
Your Character
When she first meets your character, she attacks you to see how well you can defend yourself. You overheard her in a conversation and heard that your code name is 'Fledgling'. You suggested another code name but she shot down the idea. She said that your code name has been assigned to you for a reason.
Hand-to-Hand Combat
Mara is an expert in Hand-to-Hand combat, she even trains Your Character in order to let her be more able to protect herself against her enemies.
- Mara's outfit is similar to that of Chazz, a character from the Red Carpet Diaries series.
- She shares the same name as Mara from Kindred.