Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Magnolia "Maggie" Graves, a character in the Kindred book, is your sister. She is first seen in Chapter 1.


Maggie's appearance is dependent on the face chosen for Your Character. She wears a black transparent floral lace crop top, a golden necklace and golden rings on her right hand, and blue jeans.


Due to her bad history with her foster families, Maggie is very hesitant to trust others. She is also sometimes impulsive, for example kicking her luggage. She prefers combat magic over making potions.


When Azalea was pregnant with Magnolia and discovered her gender, she traveled away from home to hide the pregnancy from her family. After giving birth, Azalea gave Magnolia up for adoption before returning to her husband, Hal, and daughters. Growing up, Maggie was led to believe that both parents gave her up for adoption. Later, she reveals that she had foster parents. In a premium Chapter 3 scene, she tells that her adoptive parents died when she was young and that she was placed in the foster system because they did not have any family. She went through several foster families of which some were great, but they couldn't keep her for different reasons. Because of this bouncing from place to place, she stopped calling anyplace home. A premium Chapter 2 scene indicates that she lived in New Jersey. She tells in Chapters 1 & 2 that she is a private investigator. Ever since her adoptive parents died, Maggie hasn't celebrated her birthday. Some of her foster parents didn't even bother to get her a birthday gift and if they did, it was something impersonal like a lotto ticket - or worse, emancipation papers.




  • Chapter 1: Circle of Sisters
  • Chapter 2: Secrets and Spellcraft
  • Chapter 3: Magical Mishaps
  • Chapter 4: Wide, Witchy World
  • Chapter 5: Friend or Fiend
  • Chapter 6: Runaway Reflections
  • Chapter 7: A Date with Desire (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 8: Lost In the Labyrinth
  • Chapter 9: Birthday Bedlam
  • Chapter 10: Rites and Revelations
  • Chapter 11: Dreams of Darkness
  • Chapter 12: The Summer Solstice
  • Chapter 13: Betrayal and Bedlam
  • Chapter 14: Rescue from Ruin
  • Chapter 15: Fight And Flight
  • Chapter 16: King Versus Kin


Your Character

In Chapter 1, Maggie introduces herself as your younger sister. She sought you and Saffron out because she wanted to learn more about her biological family.


Saffron is Maggie's oldest sister. They regularly butt heads but you comment that this is just part of a normal relationship between sisters.

Wraith King

When Maggie dreamwalks into Hell, the Wraith King can sense her presence.


Maggie and Brooks first meet in Chapter 5 after he saw the ritual you performed at the coffee shop on the security footage and confronted you about it, prompting you to tell him the whole truth about being witches. When being introduced to Maggie, he tells her that he was looking forward to meeting her.

In Chapter 9, he helps organize the surprise birthday party for Maggie. At the party itself, you see them huddled together in a corner and laughing. When Maggie thanks you for the party, you tell her that Brooks actually did all the work which surprises her since her ex never did such a thing for her. Brooks tells her she deserves a party and that she deserves everything.

When wraiths attack you all at her party, Brooks gets hurt and needs to recover over the next few weeks. As a result, Maggie distances herself from him as she doesn't want to put him in further danger. He tells you he has been trying to tell Maggie that it wasn't her fault he got hurt but then adds she may have blocked his number. She still cares about him but blames herself as she was too drunk to protect him. After the nightmare of the Wraith King, he cautiously comforts her in Chapter 11 and she doesn't pull away. He tells her that he is an adult who can make his own decision and that as your best friend, he is involved with everything anyway. After you talk to her they agree to talk to him later and they smile at each other. At the end of the chapter, she tells you that they did indeed have a talk and that he will be attending the Summer Solstice.


In Chapter 3, if you and Saff locate Maggie with a spell in a premium scene, you overhear her talking on her phone. She later tells you that what you have heard was her breaking up with her now ex-boyfriend, Peter. During the call, she has told him that they're too different. During her birthday party, Maggie is surprised to learn Brooks organized it since her ex never did such a thing for her. At the end of the chapter, Peter is revealed to be actually a wraith when he and another wraith attack you all at the party. Peter has been lying to her for years during their relationship. He makes fun of her, saying she was easy to fool, silly, and desperate. Peter then stabs Brooks with a sword, stating he hates seeing her with another man, and then disappears.

Powers and Abilities

  • Dream Walking: Maggie can dreamwalk in the realm between the sleeping and waking worlds. She can also bring others into her dreams.
    • Lucid Dream: Her power includes having full control over her own dreams. That's why you are all shocked when in Chapter 10, she tells you she had a nightmare about hell that was out of her control.
  • Warding Runes Removal: In Chapter 2, Guardian with the help of runes creates a ward around your house to keep the wraiths outside which at the same time locks you and your sisters inside the house. He/She tells you that you can leave once our coven learns to remove the wards which you then do together as a coven before your bonding ritual. You all then look outside to see the runes fading.
  • Phasing: Maggie can phase into liminal spaces as a way to quickly travel from one point to another.
  • Psychic Spear: In Chapter 11, when you play as Maggie during the dreamwalking through her nightmare, Maggie uses one of the offensive spells Guardian taught her, using either psychic energy or her own aura to attack the Wraith King. If she uses the first option, she will create a "spear of psychic power", lancing through his chest.


  • Hex: If the whole coven or only one member of it isn't committed to a ritual while performing it, the spell will backfire, resulting in a hex. This is demonstrated when you, Saff, and Maggie end up being chained together after a failed bonding ritual.
  • Curses: Witches are not immune to curses and can even lose their powers. This is shown when Penelope reveals she actually comes from a line of witches. A curse made her family lose their talents, resulting in her being a human. Thus it can be assumed that Maggie may also lose her powers if put under the same curse.
  • Wraith Influence: Witches are not immune to the influence of wraiths on their emotions either. If the influence is too strong, their power is weakened, goes astray or stops working altogether. They are also not immune to being lured to places where they otherwise wouldn't go.
  • Phasing-induced Nausea: Chapter 4 demonstrates that phasing too fast causes her to be nauseous.


Other Looks



  • A version of Magnolia is shown on the cover of Kindred.
  • She shares the same last name as Peter Graves from The Heist: Monaco.
  • Like Maggie Vera from the 2018 CW Charmed reboot TV series, Maggie is a shortened form of her legal name and is the name she prefers.
  • In Chapter 3, when using the elements for a ritual to track Maggie in a premium scene, Guardian states that Maggie is governed by fire.
    • Her magical aura, one of the three candles at your altar, and the in-game symbol for her magic are red.
  • Her children versions resemble the female children versions of Main Character from It Lives In The Woods.

