Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Mack, a character in the Wake the Dead book, is one of the members of your crew. He is first seen in Chapter 1.


Mack has medium-length brown messy hair, brown eyes and tanned skin. He wears a green sweater with white stripes.


Mack is shown to be observant and cautious when he found out that Your Character (Wake the Dead) was on Blackstock's list and alerts your sister to leave The Tower with you and a few others. He has also shown to be loyal when he said that Your Character has strong leadership and helped other people in the colony and sticks by you regardless, especially when he sacrificed himself to save you from a Scout, if alive in Chapter 19.


Mack had worked as an assistant in Marcus Blackstock's office for the last few years.


Wake the Dead

Wake the Dead

  • Chapter 1: The End of the World
  • Chapter 2: On the Run
  • Chapter 3: New Home
  • Chapter 5: Death Comes Knocking
  • Chapter 7: Highway To Hell
  • Chapter 8: Build Up or Tear Down
  • Chapter 11: Things Fall Apart
  • Chapter 13: Under One Banner
  • Chapter 14: Hold the Fort
  • Chapter 17: Shadows of the Past (Mentioned; Determinant)
  • Chapter 18: Brought Low (Mentioned; Physical Appearance Determinant)
  • Chapter 19: The Solstice (Determinant)


Your Character

In Chapter 1, Mack joins you and your sister's group as they flee The Tower. Mack had been keeping tabs on Marcus Blackstock's list, and told your sister that your name had suddenly appeared on it. This prompted her decision to choose that night to make your escape. In Chapter 3, if you decide to clear out additional zombies with Eli, you two find a guitar which Mack uses as an opportunity to learn to play.

If you brought Angel's parents to stay with your colony in Chapter 4, they will break out in Chapter 14 and attack Mack, resulting in his death. You kill Angel's mother, seconds before Angel kills her father. Because Mack's wounds are extensive, you shoot him in the head to prevent him from turning into a zombie himself. If you killed Angel's parents earlier and he is still alive in Chapter 19, he sacrifices himself to save you.

Angel Savage

In Chapter 14, if you allow Angel Savage's parents to stay with you in your colony, they will break out and attack Mack, resulting in his death. Angel is too late to stop them, and kills her father, knocking him off of Mack's body. She is remorseful for the attack, saying she only wanted her parents and never wanted anyone else to get hurt.


  • His character model resembles Lorenzo Toro from the High School Story: Class Act series and Danny Lowell from Nightbound.
  • His fate is determined in Chapter 14, if you bring Angels parents to the colony, they will be released and will kill Mack. In Chapter 19 however, if you killed Angel's parents in Chapter 4, he kills the Scout and sacrifices himself in order to buy you and Angel more time to save the others.