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Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Lucretia, a character in The Royal Romance and The Royal Heir series, is Olivia Nevrakis's aunt. She is first seen in The Royal Romance, Book 3, Chapter 9.


Lucretia has light brown hair and brown eyes. She wears a sapphire diamond necklace and a long sleeved maroon shirt.


Lucretia is ambitious to the point of being cold at times. When her sister and brother-in-law died, she left her niece Olivia under the care of servants who couldn't provide her with the love she needed when growing up. Her reason for this is that as a Nevrakis, Olivia should grow to become resolute and ruthless. This is ultimately part of her desire to see a Nevrakis seated on the Cordonian throne, which originated with Olivia's betrothal to Anton Severus once both of them turn eighteen.


The Royal Romance

Book 3

  • Chapter 2: Crown and Country (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 9: Pomp and Circumstance
  • Chapter 10: A Matter of Honor
  • Chapter 11: Cold Fire
  • Chapter 12: Secrets In The Snow
  • Chapter 13: Caught
  • Chapter 14: Welcome, One and All (Mentioned)

The Royal Holiday

  • Chapter 1: 'Tis the Season (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 2: Winter Wonderland (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 3: Silent Night (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 4: Holly Jolly (Mentioned)

The Royal Heir

Book 2

  • Chapter 9: Quiet Before the Storm (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 16: In Love and War (Mentioned; Determinant)

Book 3

  • Chapter 12: The Deciding Vote
  • Chapter 13: The Way Out
  • Chapter 19: The Once and Future Princess (Mentioned)

The Royal Finale

  • Chapter 1: Hidden in Plain Sight (Determinant)


Olivia Nevrakis

Olivia is her niece. They have a strained relationship because Lucretia left Olivia under the care of servants when her parents were killed. In The Royal Heir, Book 2 Chapter 16, Olivia says Lucretia was supposed to show up while Lionel and Camellia were gone (for their meeting with their supplier for "Operation Snowspear") but she didn't.

Anton Severus

Anton is her nephew-in-law, whom she conspired with to overthrow King Liam in favor of Anton.

Barthelemy Beaumont

Barthelemy releases her from prison to represent House Nevrakis to gain the most votes, because he orders one of his accomplices to capture Olivia as a way to silence her. And she votes for Barthelemy to be The Heir's guardian and Crown Regent.


Other Looks


  • She wears a similar but a different designed sapphire necklace like her ancestor, Zenobia Nevrakis.
  • The name Lucretia is of Latin origin and means "profit, wealth".
    • The surname Nevrakis is of Greek origin and means "courageous".
  • There seems to a minor inconsistency: in Book 1, Chapter 7, Liam tells you that Olivia was supposed to stay with her great aunt after her parents died and that said great aunt abandoned Olivia to go to a summer vacation on the French Riviera. Since Lucretia's first physical appearance, she is Olivia's aunt who abandoned Olivia and there is no more mention of Olivia having a great aunt.