Layla, a character in the Wolf Bride book, is a citizen in West Virginia and a wolf-kin. She is first seen in Chapter 1.
Layla has brown eyes, black dreadlocks, and dark skin. She wears an ash blue sleeveless blouse, light pink skirt, and triple gold strand necklace.
Layla can be described as friendly and helpful.
Wolf Bride
Wolf Bride
- Chapter 1: Hunt's Peak
- Chapter 2: The Bonding
- Chapter 3: Transformation
- Chapter 4: Challenger
- Chapter 5: The Duel
- Chapter 6: Full Moon Rising
- Chapter 7: Rage
- Chapter 8: Foundling
- Chapter 9: Powder Keg
- Chapter 11: Revelations
- Chapter 12: The Tipping Point
- Chapter 13: A True Wolf
- Chapter 14: The Choice
- Chapter 15: The True Enemy
- Chapter 16: Purified
Callum is Layla's bonded mate. She says they love each other and he has never treated her with anything but devotion. As a wolf-kin, she works part-time doing medical billing and other work-from-home jobs to earn money to buy things for the Pack. She also buys things to make the Den more homey and less cave-like. She lives in town part-time to do those jobs because Pack territory has poor cell and internet service.
Your Character
You meet Layla on your first day at Hunt's Peak and depending on choices made, the two of you can establish a friendship quickly. Regardless, Layla is very friendly to your character and often gives advice in regards to handling the complicated situation with both Alpha Werewolf and Werewolf Hunter.
In Chapter 16, if you decide to help Layla and her baby with or without destroying the mine, you help her through the birthing process. After giving birth during the battle, she subsequently experiences a near fatal hemorrhage but you are able to summon and channel the primal magic into her in order to save her life. Later, she and Callum ask you to help name their daughter. If you decide to destroy the mine without helping her, she survives but she and Callum are upset with you.
Other Looks
- As of Chapter 1, Layla states she has about "six weeks to go" in her pregnancy, making her approximately 34 weeks pregnant if the gestational period of wolf-kin are the same as normal humans.
- She gives birth in Chapter 16, which appeared to be a full moon night.