Landon and Emmeline, characters from The Royal Romance and The Royal Heir series, are Penelope's parents. They are the Duke and Duchess of Portavira. They are first seen in The Royal Romance, Book 3, Chapter 4.
Landon has blue eyes, brown hair, and olive skin. He wears a green and black shirt with a collar under a black cardigan and a brown unbuttoned suit.
Emmeline has blue eyes, black hair, and light-tanned skin. She wears a blue suit.
Of the two, Landon is considered to be more personable and warm, and cares very much for his daughter's emotional state and welfare.
Emmeline is more concerned with courtly decorum and politics than Landon. She is also passionate about education and believes that those who want to pursue extreme change must go to extreme lengths.
Chapters: Landon
The Royal Romance
Book 2
- Chapter 8: City of Lights (Mentioned)
Book 3
- Chapter 4: Any Port in a Storm
- Chapter 5: The Sport of Kings
- Chapter 9: Pomp and Circumstance
- Chapter 18: Bride to Be (Mentioned; Determinant)
- Chapter 19: You Are Cordially Invited
- Chapter 22: Happily Ever After
The Royal Heir
Book 1
- Chapter 3: Your Kingdom Awaits
- Chapter 14: The Announcement
- Chapter 18: The Last Apple Ball
Book 2
- Chapter 3: Welcome to the World
- Chapter 4: The Royal Tour
- Chapter 5: Her Royal Highness (Off-screen)
- Chapter 6: To Catch a Traitor
- Chapter 13: How Do You Like Them Apples?
- Chapter 14: Battle Lines (Mentioned; Physical Appearance Determinant)
- Chapter 18: The Beginning of the End
- Chapter 19: To Betroth, or Not To Betroth
- Chapter 20: Freeze This Moment
Book 3
- Chapter 1: Changes
- Chapter 2: Making Waves
- Chapter 3: Forever Hold Your Peace
- Chapter 4: Seeds of Conflict
- Chapter 9: The Barthelemy Beaumont Bash
- Chapter 10: A Fox in the Henhouse
- Chapter 11: The Apparent Trap
- Chapter 12: The Deciding Vote
- Chapter 17: The Crown Regent's Coronation
The Royal Finale
- Chapter 1: Hidden in Plain Sight
- Chapter 6: The Comeback Queen (Mentioned)
- Chapter 12: When Worlds Collide
Chapters: Emmeline
The Royal Romance
Book 2
- Chapter 8: City of Lights (Mentioned)
Book 3
- Chapter 4: Any Port in a Storm
- Chapter 5: The Sport of Kings
- Chapter 9: Pomp and Circumstance
- Chapter 18: Bride to Be (Mentioned; Determinant)
- Chapter 19: You Are Cordially Invited
- Chapter 22: Happily Ever After
The Royal Heir
Book 2
- Chapter 4: The Royal Tour
- Chapter 5: Her Royal Highness
Book 3
- Chapter 2: Making Waves
- Chapter 3: Forever Hold Your Peace
- Chapter 9: The Barthelemy Beaumont Bash
The Royal Finale
- Chapter 1: Hidden in Plain Sight
- Chapter 3: Crossroads (Mentioned)
- Chapter 4: Belle of the Ball, Belly of the Beast
- Chapter 6: The Comeback Queen (Mentioned; Physical Appearance Determinant)
- Chapter 7: Another Mask on the Wall
- Chapter 11: Face-Off
- Chapter 12: When Worlds Collide (Mentioned; Determinant)
- Chapter 17: Happier Ever After (Mentioned)
With Each Other
They appear to love and support each other, and do not speak against the other. In The Royal Heir, Book 3, they work with each other when they try to deal with Barthelemy and Guy. However, they have a difference of opinion regarding education and child upbringing seen in The Royal Finale. Where Emmeline appears to be a strong proponent for structured formal education such as at Vox Nostra Academy, Landon feels it is up to the parents to decide the best education for their child(ren) and they should not be forced to conform to what others decide.
Penelope is their daughter and only child. While Emmeline appears to be the more strict parent and wants Penelope to be strong and shrewd in court politics, Landon has a soft spot for her and realizes the pressures she feels.
In The Royal Heir, Book 3, Chapter 2, it is revealed that Barthelemy used Penelope as leverage to secure Portavira's vote against you in his attempt to gain custody of your daughter. Landon and Emmeline agree to vote in Barthelemy's favor in exchange for keeping information quiet that would ruin Penelope's wedding to Ezekial if it were made public.
It is unclear if Penelope is aware of Emmeline's involvement with the Via Imperii.
Your Character
In The Royal Romance, Book 3, you are presented with the task to earn both their approvals and convince them to attend your wedding. You can earn their approval by being sympathetic to their cause and by helping them gain more donations during their charity polo match.
In The Royal Heir series, Landon is part of the Royal Council. He voices his unhappiness at Bradshaw and Isabella's machinations during the hunt for Godfrey and their continued presence in Cordonia. At the end of Book 2, he votes against you and your spouse in the Conventus Nobilis.
In Book 3, you discover that he is being blackmailed by Barthelemy Beaumont and his "assistant", Guy Brixton, Penelope's ex-husband. When you convince Penelope to speak up about her past, Barthelemy loses leverage over Landon and Landon tells you that he will support you and your spouse in the final vote.
At the end of Book 3, you discover that Emmeline is a part of the Via Imperii. As a fairly new inductee, Emmeline sees the good parts of the Via Imperii. She believes she has done more good with the Via Imperii than she could have done with her title alone. If you vaguely bring up the methods the Via Imperii used in Cordonia, Emmeline is quick to defend the Via Imperii in an "end justify the means"-type manner. If you tell her that they were behind Barthelemy's actions, she is surprised but feels that it is better to be with them than to be against them.
When you and your friends determine that the way to bring down the Via Imperii is to discover the identities of the members of the Circle, Emmeline becomes one of your suspects behind the Voice. When you discover it isn't her, you're relieved but you still run into her at other Via Imperii events, such as the Trial of Masks. In the end, Interpol doesn't arrest her because she is a low level member, was ignorant of the Via Imperii's true mission, and didn't do anything illegal.
- Emmeline resembles actress Courteney Cox.
- The name Landon is of English origin and means "long hill". It's a variant of the name Langdon.
- The name Emmeline is of German, French, and English origin, which means: Hardworking, industrious, rival. It's a variant of the name Emily.
- In The Royal Heir, Book 3, Chapter 19, it is revealed that Emmeline is part of the Via Imperii, a secret organization that subtly manipulates who has the power.
- In The Royal Finale, Chapter 17, it is mentioned that Emmeline wasn't arrested by Interpol since she was a low ranking member implying that she's either been given a second chance or being monitored.