Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Kendrick, a character from the Distant Shores book, is a crew member of the Revenge. He is first seen in Chapter 1.


Kendrick has medium-length auburn hair, light skin and brown eyes. He wears an orange bandana on his head, a green vest and a white shirt.


Kendrick can be described as both funny and serious at the same time, depending on the situation. He's also very friendly.

In Chapter 4 when Robert plans the mutiny, he betrays the rest of the crew and joins him, showing his true colors. Like most pirates, Kendrick wants gold and adventure. He thought following Robert would lead him to riches more than following Edward had done.



Distant Shores

Distant Shores

  • Chapter 1: Swept Away
  • Chapter 2: A Pirate's Life
  • Chapter 3: Live By the Sword
  • Chapter 4: Mutiny on the Revenge
  • Chapter 5: Changing Course (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 7: Stranger Tides (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 11: Wreckage
  • Chapter 12: Enemy of My Enemy
  • Chapter 13: Friendly Fire
  • Chapter 14: Dance of Death
  • Chapter 15: Race Against Time
  • Chapter 16: The End is the Beginning (Determinant)


Your Character

You meet him for the first time in Chapter 1 when you board The Revenge with Edward, when Kendrick congratulates Edward for successfully retrieving the compass. If you fetch rum with Charlie, you seem him being treated for his wounds by Samuel. You can offer him alcohol to kill the germs or help with the pain. Either way, he's grateful. He then sings for you and for the rest of the crew.

In Chapter 2, if you went to fetch rum with Charlie, he supports you during your trial. He then asks for your help with the sails, and if you get all choices correct, he's impressed. In Chapter 3, when you try out being a sailor, he tells you that he won't go easy on you. If you get all choices correct, he's impressed by your skills again.

In Chapter 12, if you decide to go with him to lay the traps outside the cave, you persuade him to return to your and Edward's side. He tells you that he doesn't think Robert is necessarily a better captain than Edward but that Robert is a better chance for him to get what he wants. He'd rather plunder on the other side of the world than deal with the Admiral. When you point out that Robert hasn't made good on his promises, Kendrick agrees and rejoins your side. If you decide not to go with him and speak with him alone, he remains on Robert's side.


Robert was one of the crew members of The Revenge. When he plans the mutiny in Chapter 4, Kendrick betrays the crew and allies with him. In Chapter 12, you have the premium option to sway him back over to your side.


Other looks



  • His status as a "redeemed character" is dependent on whether or not you convince him to rejoin your side.