Kara, a character in the High School Story series, was a student at Hearst High. She graduated at the end of Book 3. She makes her official appearance in Book 1, Chapter 9. Your Character is able to meet her in Chapter 4, if you go to the diner with Michael.
Kara has brown eyes, dark brown hair in a ponytail, and fair skin. She wears a purple striped off-shoulder top with a necklace.
Kara is shown to be shrewd, calculating, and arrogant as seen in High School Story Book 3. She is implied to be the brains behind her and Max's schemes. She acts very negatively to Your Character to not get in her way and her boyfriend, Max, when trying to be prom king and queen in Chapter 2. In Book 3, Chapter 4, they sabotage your campaign at Caleb and Ezra's party. She is not above using underhanded tactics to get what she wants, as demonstrated when she frames Your Character for sabotaging a Hearst student's tryout to make him/her look bad. She and Max also bully others to support them. However, their plot is foiled by Zoe when she tells your character about their attempted voter fraud at the Prom. Enraged at the loss, Kara and Max break up as a result.
High School Story
Book 1
- Chapter 2: Party Crashers (Mentioned)
- Chapter 4: Consequences (Determinant)
- Chapter 9: The Search
- Chapter 11: Berry Seven
- Chapter 13: Game Plan
Book 2
- Chapter 8: Game Over
- Chapter 15: Can I Ask You Something? (Mentioned)
Book 3
- Chapter 1: Up In Flames (Mentioned)
- Chapter 2: Friends...or Foes?
- Chapter 4: Just Beachy
- Chapter 5: Prime Location
- Chapter 6: What Goes Around
- Chapter 8: Missing in Action
- Chapter 9: A Scandal at Berry High
- Chapter 10: True Colors
- Chapter 13: Take Me Out
- Chapter 14: The Big Night
- Chapter 15: The Night is Young
- Chapter 16: School's Out!
Mia Warren
Although there haven't been many interactions between them, they are shown to have an extremely negative relationship. It is mentioned that Kara frequently bullied Mia at Hearst and that Mia transferred to Berry for the sole purpose of getting away from her.
Max Warren
Max is Kara's ex-boyfriend. In Book 3, Chapter 2, she is determined to get both of them to be prom king and queen. When they fight in Chapter 15, he has been doing Kara has asked him to, indicating the she is the main force behind their schemes. He went along with her plan because she was the one who wanted to be prom queen so badly. He never cared about her that much anyway and was planning on breaking up with her after high school. She is shown to be shocked at this, indicating that she believed he at least had some genuine loyalty towards her.
Kieran Hale
She is the cheer captain of the Hearst High cheerleading squad, which Kieran is a member of. During cheerleading practice, she bullies him into performing his solo to show off his skills. During Caleb and Ezra's party in Book 3, Chapter 4, she forced him to sway everyone into voting against your character for prom. She treats him like a servant but he becomes more confident toward the end. In the Book 3 finale, it's revealed that he stopped wiping off tabletops for her.
Other Looks
- Kara is one of the few characters that originate from Pixelberry's High School Story app.
- She is modeled to look like one of the PB writers, Kara Loo .
- She will be temporarily attending Berry High in High School Story, Book 3.
- She shares the same surname as Addison Sinclair from the Red Carpet Diaries series and Gigi Sinclair from the Laws of Attraction series.
- However, Pixelberry revealed during their AMA, that Addison and she are not related.
- She will be studying at Hollywood U.
- The name Kara is of Latin origin and means "beloved" or "dear". It's derived from the Latin Carus and is a variant of the Italian name Cara.
- The surname Sinclair is of French and English origin, which means "Saint Clare". Saint Clare of Assisi (city in Italy) is the patron saint of eye disease, goldsmiths, laundry, television, good weather and needleworkers.