Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Joshua Lewis, a character from the Murder at Homecoming book, is a chemistry teacher at Beachwood High. He is first seen in Chapter 1.


Mr. Lewis has short brown hair, light skin, and blue eyes. He wears a blue plaid shirt, and a black tie, with blue jeans, as well as wearing a watch on his left wrist.


Mr. Lewis is generally a friendly and pleasant person. You believe he is the kind of guy to give people the benefit of the doubt, and you note that the reason he gets along so well with his students is because he is perceptive. Principal Evans states he is able to relate to his students in a way that many teachers can't. While browsing through his desk, you notice that he always managed to find something encouraging when grading worksheets. If he gives a promise, he keeps it, even ready to have his life ruined to protect the person he gave his promise to from having their life ruined.


He is Beachwood High's favorite chemistry teacher, who happens to be the youngest and best-looking member of the faculty.


Murder at Homecoming

Murder at Homecoming

  • Chapter 1: Blood in the Water
  • Chapter 2: Keep Your Enemies Close
  • Chapter 7: Party Crasher (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 8: I Don't Want to Believe
  • Chapter 9: Case Closed?
  • Chapter 10: Prisoner's Dilemma
  • Chapter 11: Run, Rabbit, Run
  • Chapter 12: To Tug at Tangled Threads (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 13: Pick Your Poisoner (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 14: Dance with Death
  • Chapter 15: Prey For Me
  • Chapter 16: Surviving High School


Gabbie Navarro

In Chapter 7, you assume that he and Gabbie had a romantic relationship, given that he purchased an expensive necklace for her. Later in Chapter 8, you find a letter written by Gabbie in Mr. Lewis's desk, which mentions that Gabbie had plans to elope to New York. At first you believe that the letter was intended for Mr. Lewis and that he had an affair with Gabbie, but in Chapter 10, it is revealed that Joanna was Gabbie's girlfriend, and the one that she had planned to elope with. Mr. Lewis was simply helping the two.

Joanna Morgan

When Mr. Lewis is arrested by the police, Joanna is obviously emotionally affected by it. When you visit him in the detention center, he convinces you of his innocence by revealing that he is gay. However, he cannot tell you the actual truth because he had promised someone not to. He only gives a hint that he would rather have his own life ruined than theirs. After finding Gabbie's romantic poem about Joanna, you decide to talk to her. She is angry at you because you were the one who got him arrested and at the same time feels horrible herself for not easily being able to provide the proof of his innocence because it would put her at risk of being outed to her homophobic parents. It is revealed that she is the one Mr. Lewis is trying to protect. Her parents had already sent her to conversion therapy and Mr. Lewis promised to do anything to prevent her from going through the therapy again. She had turned to him asking for help to get a necklace for Gabbie that she couldn't have gotten herself without her parents noticing it. Mr. Lewis immediately realized what was going on as he had met her parents before and noticed that the necklace looked like a present for girl. He became a close confidante for her and Gabbie, helping them with their plans to elope to New York, arranging for them to live with his cousin until they could afford a place of their own. Joanna tells you that he and Gabbie were the only people who ever cared about her. She is present during his trial and called on as a witness against him but then she proves his innocence by publicly admitting her relationship with Gabbie. This gets him later reinstated as teacher and eligible to chaperone at Winter Formal.

Your Character

During homecoming, you help Mr. Lewis tally the votes for the Homecoming King and Queen. In Chapter 2 during Gabbie's funeral, he asks how you are holding up. When you believe he had a secret relationship with Gabbie, you feel nothing but disgust towards him and paranoia that he's too touchy-feely with his other students. However, you discover you were wrong about him, and you do your best to make things right. Despite having him sent to detention center for nothing, Mr. Lewis doesn’t have any ill-will towards you or your friends. During your confrontation with Gabbie's killer at school, you notice that he's nearby. In a premium scene, you can choose to run to him to tell him who the killer is, to call the police, and to look into your locker for the evidence. If you do, you give him your locker combination and say that you are sorry for having accused him but you run off before he can reply.


When students compliment and flirt with Mr. Lewis, the latter barely reacts and only smiles. You mention that it must be weird knowing that half of his students have a crush on him, with one student even having given him her number which he threw away. During Gabbie's funeral, he says that he lost students before, and that it's never easy. He believes that his duty as a teacher is to be strong for his students, and that he has own resources for his own grief.


Other Looks



  • In Chapter 7, his first name is revealed to be Joshua.
  • His character model resembles Barrett Carlisle from The Heist: Monaco.
  • He shares the same name as Joshua Neely from Most Wanted, Book 1, and the same last name as Jaime Lewis from Wishful Thinking.
  • In in a premium scene in Chapter 8, you find several discarded letters from his mother confirming that at least his mom knew about his relationship with someone and refused to let him into their home unless he ended it.
    • In Chapter 10, he reveals the full context that his parents disapproved of his relationship with another man.
  • In Chapter 9, following your discovery of evidence suggesting he'd had an affair with Gabbie, Mr. Lewis is arrested and jailed on charges of institutional sexual assault. You learn in Chapter 10 that he's innocent, and he's fully acquitted and freed in Chapter 11.
  • In Chapter 10, it's revealed by Joanna that his classroom contains a 'this is a safe space' poster.