Jessica, a character in the Most Wanted book, is a programmer for Cheerm. She is first seen in Book 1, Chapter 4.
Jessica has brown eyes and light brown skin. Her hair is dark brown and curly. She wears a purple singlet top over a gray tank top paired with silver hoop earrings.
Jessica is a highly skilled and intelligent hacker. If you bring Reza along to Venice Beach, he talks her out of wiping the hard drives by connecting with her, talking about how lonely it can feel to always be the smartest person in the room. The facts that this persuades her to cooperate suggests that this is probably true of Jessica as well.
She is also a rather flirtatious, confident person, as demonstrated by her interactions with Dave (and Mark, if he chooses to flirt with her during her cameo in #LoveHacks).
Most Wanted
Book 1
- Chapter 4: Hack Job
- Chapter 5: Devil in the Dark
- Chapter 9: Sunk Cost (Mentioned)
- Chapter 12: Old Wounds (Mentioned)
- Chapter 14: Terminal Velocity (Mentioned)
Book 1
- Chapter 8: She Dates A Bad Boy. You Won't Believe What Happens Next!
Chad & Todd
Jessica works for Chad and Todd's company Cheerm.
Gavin Routh
Gavin Routh hired her to hack people's phone and steal information.
Reza Fassihi (Determinant)
If Reza tags along with Dave and Sam to Venice Beach, Reza actually connects with Jessica about how their intelligence isolates them from the rest of the people. After she is taken to the hospital, Reza often asks about her.
John Tull
After learning that Jessica unearthed sensitive information about Hayley Rose's past, she became a target of John Tull. He came to Cheerm to destroy the information Jessica gathered and to kill her but was unsuccessful as a result of Dave Reyes' and Samantha Massey's intervention.
- Jessica makes a cameo appearance in LoveHacks, Book 1, Chapter 8.
- She shares the same forename as the MC in Red Carpet Diaries if the latter's default name is kept. She shares the same surname as Elijah Greene from the Open Heart series and Tommy Greene from Crimes of Passion.
- The name Jessica is of Hebrew origin and means "gift to behold". It's the mixture of the Hebrew names Jess (means "gift") and Iscah (means "to behold").