Jade Bonet, a character in the Open Heart series, is a first year intern at Edenbrook Hospital. She makes her official appearance in Book 3, Chapter 4.
Jade has brown eyes, long braided black hair, and dark skin. At the hospital, she wears blue scrubs.
Jade is intelligent, but appears to lack perception to read social cues and signs her patients give her. This leads to an awkward bedside manner, where she may tell the truth bluntly or try a form of "tough love" which does not sit well. She loves to read and research, and finds it relaxing to read a few scientific or peer-related articles before bed.
Open Heart
Book 3
- Chapter 4: Power Struggles
- Chapter 7: Team Players
- Chapter 9: Build Up
- Chapter 13: Building Up
Jackie Varma
Jade is one of Jackie Varma's new interns. In a premium scene where you are searching Leland's office, Jackie says Jade reminds her of herself, as she also had to work throughout medical school.
In Chapter 13, when Jackie overhears Jade's enthusiasm about the articles she has read, Jackie has the epiphany that Jade's talents lie in research. Jackie tells her that if she can arrange it, she'll have Jade spend some of her rotations in the labs with Elijah and the doctors there. At first, Jade is dejected and worried that she let Jackie down. Jade thinks it is because she is struggling with some of her patients and that she needs to try harder like Jackie did when the latter was a first year intern. Jackie apologizes to Jade for taking so long to see her strengths and interests. Jade is ecstatic with the news, and says it would be a dream come true to work in research.
Your Character
You first meet her as Esme scolds her for screwing up.
In Chapter 13, as you discuss the Diagnostics' Team's case with Tobias in the hall, she answers the question that had been plaguing the team on why different patients were improving while others were worsening. She tells you two that it is the persistent organic pollutants issue, where certain compounds are stored in fat cells and are released when the fat cells break down. She excitedly tells you about the article, but when she notices Jackie nearby, she apologizes for interjecting. You thank her for helping the team.
Gary Garrison
It is unclear if Gary is her direct mentor or just one of the second year residents she rotates with. During one case, Gary tells Jackie and you that Jade made her patient cry. He says the primary problem with her approach was that she told the patient that he brought his liver failure upon himself, and barked at him to "shape up or die". Jade wanted her patient to know how serious the disease was and thought tough love would work.
Esme Ortega
If you are on good terms with Esme and decide to participate in the team-building obstacle course exercise with Jackie and the interns, she mentions that Jade needs a lot of "babysitting" from the second year residents.
- She shares the same name as Jade Ali from the High School Story series and Jade from the Immortal Desires series.