Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Isabella is a character in the Rules of Engagement series. She is first seen in Book 2, Chapter 5.


Isabella has dark skin, short, wavy, dark brown hair, and brown eyes. She wears a black off-shoulder dress and a necklace.


Isabella is not hesitant to publicly show her passion and affection for Santiago.


Rules of Engagement

Book 2

  • Chapter 5: Trouble in Paradise
  • Chapter 9: Trials of Love

Book 3

  • Chapter 8: The Bachelorette
  • Chapter 12: Memory Lane


Book 1

  • Chapter 15: Why Sports Dated Have Us Hooked

Witness: A Bodyguard Romance

Witness: A Bodyguard Romance

  • Chapter 6: The Deep End



Isabella and Santiago are dating. They express very public and poetic affection for each other, but often fluctuate between hating each other and being unable to keep their hands off of each other. They participate in the same couples' competiton as Brother and Elena. When they lose they decide to separate ways. No matter if Main Character manages to cheer Santiago up in Book 3, Chapter 8 or not, he will go after Isabella and they will make up in the same chapter. Brother witnesses in Chapter 12 how they get engaged in Vienna.

