Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Isaac & Lyra, characters in The Royal Heir series, are Bradshaw's and Isabella's children. They are the former Prince and Princess of Auvernal. They make their first appearance in Book 2, Chapter 7.


Isaac has brown short hair, tanned skin and brown eyes. He wears a white shirt with a silver bowtie, and a crimson vest.

Lyra has wavy mid-length hair, tanned skin and brown eyes. She wears a purple flower crown on her head, and a purple dress.


Both children are arrogant, rude and spoiled. They feel entitled to anything they want and because their actions have no consequences, they feel no remorse or hesitation in doing what they want.


The Royal Heir

Book 1

  • Chapter 4: Courting Crowns (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 9: Ladies' Night (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 16: Great Expectations (Mentioned)

Book 2

  • Chapter 1: Labor of Love (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 2: Fist Days (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 7: Thanks (But No Thanks)
  • Chapter 8: Exit Strategy
  • Chapter 12: The Show Must Go On (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 13: How Do You Like Them Apples?
  • Chapter 14: Battle Lines
  • Chapter 15: All is Fair (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 17: A Spurned Ally
  • Chapter 18: The Beginning of the End
  • Chapter 20: Freeze This Moment (Mentioned; Determinant)

Book 3

  • Chapter 15: The Enemy of My Enemy

The Royal Finale

  • Chapter 6: The Comeback Queen


Bradshaw and Isabella

Bradshaw & Isabella are Isaac's & Lyra's parents, and they see nothing wrong with their actions, since they claim that they are just children. Isabella blatantly tells Lyra that she can take anything she wants from your child because she is a baby and won't notice being distracted by something shiny. When the couple announces that they intend to stay in Cordonia, both children are disappointed and angry.

Their parents do not discipline them; they do not teach them to respect boundaries or other countries and their customs. They always use the excuse that they are only children. In Chapter 19, it is revealed that Bradshaw is their biological father but Isabella is not their biological mother. Because Isabella carries the royal bloodline, the twins would never be allowed to rule if the information comes out, due to Auvernese rules of succession.

In Book 3, their personalities have not matured and now both parents show their frustration towards the twins' brattiness in public. Even if you do not publicly shame them in Book 2, the Auvernal Royal Family has fallen from public support and they do not show a unified front in front of their people or the press. Isabella keeps yelling at Bradshaw to control the twins, while the twins loudly complain about their boredom and lack of entertainment.

With Each Other

Isaac and Lyra are often seen arguing and fighting each other. Whatever object one has, the other one wants. They fight over the Cordonian thrones, over desserts and toys, and over apple trees.


Veronica is their caretaker. She admits that they are messy, but that's what makes them relatable. She takes pictures of them for "public viewing", to ensure the public thinks the children are sweet and adorable.

The Heir

When Lyra first meets the heir, she gets mad because the baby's dress is better than hers, and tries to rip it off her. You have the chance to either slap her hand away, pull the baby out of reach, or tell Bradshaw and Isabella to control their daughter. Regardless of the choice, she gets angry again and accuses you of being mean and that because she's Auvernal's only princess, she should get what she wants.

Isaac then jumps in and says that you and your family is stupid, and that he doesn't want to marry this dumb baby.

Your Character

You first meet them in Book 2, Chapter 7, when Bradshaw and Isabella bring them to meet the heir. Isaac tells you that your party is boring and Lyra says that she wants more cake. In Chapter 14, you can scare both children out of the apple orchard by telling them there's an apple monster. In Chapter 19, if you decide to publicly shame their parents, you destroy their future ability to rule over Auvernal.


Other Looks



  • The name Isaac is from Hebrew term Yiṣḥāq (יִצְחָק) which literally means "He laughs/will laugh." Ugaritic texts dating from the 13th century BCE refer to the benevolent smile of the Canaanite deity El. ... Sarah denied laughing when God questioned Abraham about it.
  • The name Lyra of Greek origin meaning "lyre". Lyra is a constellation name taken from the lyre of Orpheus. It contains the star Vega and thus could make a melodic choice for a parent interested in music, astronomy, or mythology.